Games with outstanding stories

Well, I suppose I'd say that moral choices are choices that I make from integrity, just to be the person I'd like to be. Good and evil are far too subjective anyway.

While playing the walking dead, I surprised myself a few times, just pondering the choice I'd make if I was confronted to such dilemmas in real life (zombies put aside ;) )
I have an all Time Favourite who win here for me:

Atelier Iris 2

This Game i not only a nice Anime 2D RPG... have a very deep Story with creating many many Things with Recipes from Alchemy.

-You must restore a World which was nearly Destroyed

-You have to Think many about creating new Items/Weapons

-All is nicely spoken in this Game which give a very better Feeling to fell into this World

and and and ^_^

Atelier Iris 2 is the Best PS2 Game i ever played,even better than Grandia 3 ;)
Thanks for the explanation. Choices that provide new insight for the player are obviously a good thing:-)
Bioshock had some nice twists and even without a "deep" story, the setting and story telling was really well made.

Phantasy Star, I'm not really into J-RPG stuff but due an retro-session I decided to play Phantasy Star 1 on my good old GP2X. Needed the full solution book of course but it was still an deep gaming experience. I also enjoyed Part 2 and 4.

Oh, and I think Day of the Tentacle has a well made story, twisted and weird but still some nice journey through american history...somehow. :D
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God of war. Perfectly pitched and subtly woven into the in-game action. A few short but powerful and thus welcome cut scenes punctuate the in-game action.

Really, its a ten out of ten game for me.
Bioshock had some nice twists and even without a "deep" story, the setting and story telling was really well made.
If it wasn't for the story I could have quit sooner playing it, at half game I found it too much repetitive and boring. The good ending surprised me in a nice way, I found it rewarding, even if I didn't found it so connected to the rest of the story.
Bioshock had some nice twists and even without a "deep" story, the setting and story telling was really well made.
If it wasn't for the story I could have quit sooner playing it, at half game I found it too much repetitive and boring. The good ending surprised me in a nice way, I found it rewarding, even if I didn't found it so connected to the rest of the story.
I was having a similar issue about 1/3 of the way through, and only completed it to see what the story had to offer. While I found it interesting, it was kind of blah when it was all said and done. Repetition was my biggest issues, as well as the limited enemy roster. Atmosphere was off the charts, and when it was all said and done, I probably finished it, just so I could continue to see what was around the next corner in this utopia gone wrong.

Can anyone offer any opinions on part 2? I've seen comments that say it was crap, awesome and everything in between. 

Can anyone offer any opinions on part 2?
BioShock 2 was more of the same tbh. It pushed things that were already strained in the first one. I enjoyed both, but 1 was far better. I really didn't care to play as the BigDaddy either.

I'm bored of BioShock Infinite. I've probably played most of it, but the gameplay is so repetitive. It's all walk a bit, cut-scene, shoot a bit, big enemy fight-out, repeat. "Flying" around on the rails is the most tedious and crap game mechanic I've seen in a long while too. And the entire story is crap.
Can anyone offer any opinions on part 2?
BioShock 2 was more of the same tbh. It pushed things that were already strained in the first one. I enjoyed both, but 1 was far better. I really didn't care to play as the BigDaddy either.

I'm bored of BioShock Infinite. I've probably played most of it, but the gameplay is so repetitive. It's all walk a bit, cut-scene, shoot a bit, big enemy fight-out, repeat. "Flying" around on the rails is the most tedious and crap game mechanic I've seen in a long while too. And the entire story is crap.
Mmmmmm, BS:I..........Great artistry, little else. I forced my way through it, because I thought there was going to be some great revelation, but sadly, the revelation did little to make the game any better.

Once I finished it, I went to a Youtube explanation video of what the story meant, and it cleared up a lot of what I guess I missed, and for me, there was the main problem. The story was so "deep", but within the scope of the game, I just couldn't really focus on the details of it(or lack there of).

Maybe I'm just "slow" mentally, or maybe multiple play through's where required, or maybe the story was just ass. Either way, I was done once the game ended, and had no desires to revisit Columbia a second time.

Infinite was a disappointment, but for me, my expectations where low, so I wasn't to hurt by it all. They should have focused more on the play mechanics, enemies, and whatnot, and spent less time on trying to have those "wow" moments, and it could have been a great game. Sadly, it just turned out to be a standard walk through a brilliant environment, but little else.

Bioshock? Seriously?

After playing it I wondered what's the fuss about this game, it's quite mediocre and repetitive. The story is ok I guess but not great imho.

Sure, the graphics were probably outstanding at the time but this isn't the important aspect of a video game.

Enemy variety, map design, gameplay, etc... is meh, the design is good but extremely limited in terms of variety.

I should really play System Shock (1+2) at some point, heard a lot of praise from people who thought about Bioshock like I do.
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I really enjoyed Last of Us, I went into the game knowing nothing of it, just that it was a free game bundled with the PS4 I bought. The game itself if it didn't have a good story could be viewed as just another shooter with a crafting mechanic. 
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I really enjoyed Last of Us, I went into the game knowing nothing of it, just that it was a free game bundled with the PS4 I bought. The game itself if it didn't have a good story could be viewed as just another shooter with a crafting mechanic. 
TLoU is another one on my to do list. Maybe after I finish Red Dead I'll give it a go. A friend gave it to me after he finished it, and I started a game originally, but got pulled away. Everyone I know who has played it, has said it's top of the heap, so I'll see. I'm trying to keep my expectations in check, so I don't get over hyped and end up disappointed.

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I really enjoyed Last of Us, I went into the game knowing nothing of it, just that it was a free game bundled with the PS4 I bought.
I just finished The Last Of Us on PS4 too (got it as a result of Amazon stacking deals). The story wasn't that great (take this girl to place to help find a cure for what ails the world) and the lack of enemy types (only 3 infected - runners, clickers and bloaters together with "normal" humans) was a downer, but I did enjoy it. The only trouble was that the game-world seemed really empty, despite the obvious pointers to the whole world being infectged and you ended up fighting more normals than infected. Haven't started on the "Left Behind" added DLC yet. I will re-play via the PLUS mode at some point.
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The story wasn't that great (take this girl to place to help find a cure for what ails the world)
Well if Last of us is just bring girl to a place. then stories like Blade Runner is (Androids running a muck), Jurassic Park is (Dinosaurs running a muck), Lord of the Ring is ( Hobbits take ring to volcano, should've taken a griffon in the first place)...  I wouldn't dismiss The story for Last of Us, it unfolds like a movie as you play it, in my opinion its a great journey.    
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It is a great journey, I agree. But the story really is pretty much just "Deliver girl. Kill everything." But does any game really need a great story to be enjoyable or even compelling? Most of the fave games in my gaming history have had either no story or one that can be summed up, in as few as four words like "The Last Of Us", which is coincidently also four words! :P

As long as there's something gluing the game (or movie) together the story doesn't have to be great to be enjoyable.
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Kinda hard to go back to it when compared to modern story-based shooters, but the Marathon Trilogy has a really deep and cool Sci Fi story.
ICO and it's sequel/prequel Shadow of the Colossus.
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I'll resurrect this thread just because I just finished a game that deserve it !!

Tower of Time

After the start I was expecting one of those classic fantasy stories that I could have forgot after a week... instead turned out to be something totally unexpected, full of twists till the very end !!

It contained a lot of situations to make you think about what could happen if you do certain things.

The game is linear, not an open world but you can go back to previous areas, and the many (difficult) choices only matters for combat bonuses or equipment.

I didn't like very much the combat system, because encounters are always in arenas with waves of enemies to be destroyed... there's pause and all the classic RPG stuff, but still the only thing that made me go on was the story.
Snowrunner, (Switch PC other Consoles)
Its a bit like Knightrider:
A Truck, a Computer, a Man, Snowrunner, a Man and his Truck are fighting the heavy Envroivment ^^