Spy Cams!! Ya , Got ???'s


Programer Guru! ...in the making
Feb 2, 2004
ok, I am gettin a RC helicopter from a friend for a good price and I want to pimp it out
Im gonna put an led or 2 on the thing for night time flyin
but the big thing is gonna be a wireless camera
I always thought it would be cool to sit in my room and pilot the thing round house and outside
which one of those small cameras smaller than a quarter ran off a 9v is the best?
they look like this
thats the type I want, but maybe not that one or brand, but they need to be that type
theres a lot out there so,
which one is best?
where can I get info on these?
I dont even know what to google for the info

What type of Helicopter do you have???

If its a Proper expensive (Not a Cheap toy one) RC Helicopter then you will have to learn how to fly it first :P

Dont get something too heavy or it might not be able to take off :P
my pal said it can lift up to 240 grams, and the camera part weighs in about 20-40 pluss battery
its a 4 channel one, he said he paid bout 160 for it, im gonna buy it off him so he can get money for computer parts

That's a great idea...What's the range on the copter thing? You could fly it to the shop with a note attached, get someone to put a pack of polos on it and come home. Thing is, what's more likely to happen is you see a black and white image of a cunt stealing your copter, and legging it down the street.

And yea I heard they are very tough to control.
^^ :lol: :lol:

You could spy on your neighbours with it, see what dodgy dealings there up to and blackmail them, make sure you capture them on tape in their compromising postition though ;)
yup... before buying the camera, learn to fly it.... they are the hardest things to fly (Not realy for n00b's...) Also, You will have to make sure its Legal to fly it in your Area. In the UK, You need a License to Fly RC Stuff because of the Radio Frequencies they Use or something...