Crazy Idea Of The Day


Certified Guru

the link above is in french, i know

you can see
Convertisseur USB Audio Interface audio d'entrée / sortie :
Hp + ligne + micro pour les ordinateurs sans carte son Alimenté par le bus USB
thats an usb audio interface with audi/mic/line input
if we can have a working driver for it
and as we have wifi working
we could use our gp, as a voip phone

yeah, crazy, nO ? but maybe one day ....
(let me dream)

by the way, i dont if it can be done, but if a mod could remove the flood
limit for me ;) thanks ...
I think there are some of them already working with linux...

And what about a USB to VGA adapter? (Think about the FOSDEM...)
Vimacs posted on Sep 22 2004 at 09:04 PM said:
why cant we just use the analog input@ext?

because for usb there's not as much modding required,
you plug gp32-cable and wifi-stick into powered usb-hub and are done hardware-wise
on ext you'd need to have the plug, solder cables, etc..

ppl are lazy :D
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