
You have to convert movies from your DVD disk to a .avi format.

To convert your movies:

1. Virtualdub
2. DivX/XVid codecs
3. a Computer :P
4. YOur DVD

install the codecs and use virtualdub to the correct format(just play around with the settings)

If you have a mac:

Use handbrake, the best DVD-AVI program. Just put in the settings, and click convert, and your done!

Hope this helps.
Notice that GP Cinema has Nosferatu! Two questions:-

1) Is the film so old that the Copyright has lapsed?

2) How do you get a movie that lasts for 1h 12m down to 5Mb? (Is the quality OK?)

OK, OK that was really three questions.

(BTW - I'm not a GP32 owner yet - but I will be soon)
im wondering is it worth using gp cinema is the quality really gd enough to watch a movie and if so where can i get software to rip my movies to comp so that i can fit them onto smc. for example lord of the rings :D (FAV FILM)
sinkyboy2000 posted on Sep 9 2004 at 11:20 AM said:
Notice that GP Cinema has Nosferatu! Two questions:-

1) Is the film so old that the Copyright has lapsed?

2) How do you get a movie that lasts for 1h 12m down to 5Mb? (Is the quality OK?)

OK, OK that was really three questions.

(BTW - I'm not a GP32 owner yet - but I will be soon)
1) Yes
2) I don't know, it can't be great quality, when I compress a short clip (7 min) the file is about 12MB.
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oops... the size for nosferatu was a typo. it's really about 103mb. I'll fix that soon. As for the quality, I think it's pretty good. As mentioned before in other threads, the LCD screen blends the frames nicely. Also, I've converted the movies so that they are (hopefully) compatible with GPCinema.
I've figured out how to do them, but you never know if I forgot to do something in VirtualDub (converting all those movies can get a little draining)
i have a lot of cartoons , they all are show allready in free tv , is it allowed to release this files ?
