What The.!? Pokemon Gold For The Gba??

he wasn't selling it for that, if you look, the starting bid was only $7. So apparently somebody wants this pretty badly to bid that high.
If you look closely, you'll see that both the accounts that were used to bid were created on exactly the same day - now what's the chances of that? Coupled with the fact that neither of them have any feedback whatsoever...

Me smells a rat.
Horscht posted on Sep 8 2004 at 01:03 PM said:
you mean something like a built-into-the-cart GBbridge?
You have an GBC to GBA emu for GBA Flashcards.
I think it´s a copy. If you c the box it´s almost the same as the Gameboy color one.
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sellers other fake items









and my personal favourite


u can tell sum are fake coz the cart says GAME and not GAMEBOY

others are obvious

and I dont know what the fuck it going on with the PKMN Jade box

Dont ya love the Chinese black market
The description is good, i love those spelling mistakes and the way he ends it in a question mark and what is Plkemon? :lol:

.Enter a whole new world.with new plkemon to capture.train and battle?Meet Professor Elm and get the all-new Plke Gear.including map.radio.cell phone and cloock.Set the clock then watch as day turns to night and events take place in real time-and be sure to keep an eye out for Plkemon that come out only at night?( no box )

Edit: Surely you would correct typos and errors if you were a serious ebay seller.
Mark posted on Sep 8 2004 at 03:36 PM said:
I actually have that Pokemon Jadre cart; it's a really good RPG, even if it has nothing to do with Pokemon;)

link plz?
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I like this bit best, "Set the clock then watch as day turns to night".

Nobody's going to bid on the cart at price, and He'll be charged hefty chrages if he allows the auction to end, it's probably safe to leave this one.
mattmagoo posted on Sep 8 2004 at 05:46 PM said:
does it look like this Mark:



and is it englsih?!?!?

hm, no, this is Pokémon Diamond (well actually its called "telefang" or something). Saw it in the chez repuclic (<- is it really spelled like that :huh: :huh: ?) when i was there 2 years ago on one of those asia markets. I was temptes to buy it, but 15€ seemed to be to much for a pirate cart :P . But i got the ROM (hm, have to fire it up in fGB32 again).

oh, and guess what: Auction has ended for 8988

another sidenote: It seems that both games are the same game (not sure bout the titlescreen, though). Diamond is dumped (#1176 for the chinese version, 1032 for the english version), Jade however, isn´t. But i just found Pokemon Crystal (pirate) (ehich is number 1019 btw), funny game, just bad english.....

and one question to the mods. Seeing the games (except for 1019) are unlicensed, would it be legal to give links?
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ahh i have that game., in english.

Its a strange game. Why would someone take time over a game that crap

O r was it a real game.

lol. u have to call the "pokemon" using a mobile phone
If it's homebrew please share, I could use a laugh. :P

I also once saw a pokemon gold bootleg where the only pokemon was Hoot hoot and it had strange attacks like "smokebomb". I was told that it was a leaked test version, not a pirate card. Does anybody have any info on this?