Election Rigging?


Certified Guru
Apr 4, 2003
England, UK
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Just picked up on this insightful article:


The following things can be done when you go in the back door in GEMS using Microsoft Access:

1) You can change vote totals.

2) You can change flags, which act as digital "on-off" switches, to cause the program to function differently.

According to internal Diebold memos, there are 32 combinations of on-off flags. Even the programmers have trouble keeping track of all the changes these flags can produce.

3) You can alter the audit log...
Black Box Voting has traced the implementation of the double set of books to Oct. 13, 2000, shortly after embezzler Jeffrey Dean became the senior programmer.... Black Box Voting Associate Director Andy Stephenson has obtained the court and police records of Jeffrey Dean. It is clear that he was under severe financial stress, because the King County prosecutor was chasing him for over $500,000 in restitution.... So now we have someone who's admitted that he's been blackmailed over killing someone, who pleaded guilty to 23 counts of embezzlement, who is given the position of senior programmer over the GEMS central tabulator system that counts approximately 50 percent of the votes in the election, in 30 states, both paper ballot and touch screen.
Basically all votes go onto two tables that must match... except a two-digit backdoor code allows them to mismatch at any time. And there's another backdoor which lets you alter any of the values.

Not sure how reliable this is, but if it's on point - Americans are screwed.