

Boris Johnson: Cuddly Conservative
Dec 27, 2003
Stoke-On-Trent UK
Has anyone brought one of these from GBAx yet? Ever since in that interview with Hooka he mentoined the Metal Slug clones I've thought about getting one; how good are they?

And the game boxes look sweet.
Not got one, but definitely tempted.

Its only £20 with every game ever released for it, so its worth a try I guess.

The screen looks ridiculously small though.
well on GBAX it says that its like playing older cell phone games, so I doubt they're that great, but I think i'm going to buy one of these for shits and giggles. Also I'm a collector so it should be a nice conversation piece. Does anybody know how much the system and the games are in american dollars?
both system and game bundles with UPS 24-48 hr shipping is around $68. The same package with airmail is around $45, the system itself for Airmail is around $23.

As for the NEO GEO POCKET COLOR, I got mine brand new off ebay for $15. thats alot cheaper than GBAX since his is the B&W version and still 7 pounds which i'm going to guess is about $15

Buy it from here, looks like less than $30 for the system and all 13 games, cheaper than GBAX
andius posted on Aug 27 2004 at 12:49 AM said:
does lik-sang use the same host as that site you just linked becasue the layouts are almost exactly the same.

Yeah, looks like a rip-off site. Could be wrong.

Plus it says 'there are 13 different game cartridges bundled with this package' which could mean that they're not boxed.

As for the Gameking itself, I'm not sure. It's certainly a good price but I can't imagine myself playing it for more than a few minutes before I shove it in a drawer never to be seen again.
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I want to bring this back to the front instead of putting a new thread in the system,

Has anybody bought one of these yet??
Anybody tried Success-HK yet? I found it a day or two ago, when searching for Game Theory Admiral, and now I know they've got GameKing there, too!

But as for the Game Theory Admiral, you might check this site, a few dollars more expensive than Success-HK, but they have the cool blue PAL version available: Divineo China.