I Bought An Crystal Xbox With Alladin Modchip


Mar 14, 2004
the netherlands
I bought an Crystal Xbox with Alladin modchip.
But I´m new with Xbox and I don´t really know what kind of cool stuff I can do with it (i mean the chip) .
Does anybody know someything about it and give me some cool ideas( and I don´t mean playing games :P )?

P.S. - I still love my BLU :)
An alladin mod? WHAHAHAHA you've been ripped off!!!

THat XBOX is nothing more than a NES with an xbox case around it...

gba-cube posted on Aug 5 2004 at 06:38 PM said:
Is the alladin mod any good?
P.S - I diddn´t really bought the xbox for the modchip it was just more an adon
It's more than enouygh for the average Xbox user you won't regret buying it
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Isnt emulation on xbox supposed to be INSANE!!! Like insania by peter andre, only better. Anyone out there with an xbox tried it? What emus run full speed? Hows the n64 ones? Oh and also i heard that theres a new hack where you can use any BB service instead of Xbox live. Anyone got more info on this?
loz : Did you even go to www.xbox-scene.com???

You can play on Xbox Connect, its like xbox live but free and you don't need a mod chip to use it. You can only play games that have system link on it.

N64 isn't full speed for everything and is quite buggy but its pretty damn good. Everything else runs full speed.
Woot? N64 is full speed of with many games atleast the new emu.
I love the Xbox I play more emulated games then real ones but also use it for movies.

Streaming from all your PC's with simple SMB shares.
This is good for anything movies, music and photos right on you TV.

And what's wrong with Alladin? It's serves it purpose. It's like TSOP flash but you can keep your orginal bios and disable when you want to.
Only because it's cheap doesn't mean that it suck.
Emu's on full speed with briljant compatibility (I tested)


Almost full speed, less compatibility


I can run

Harvest Moon
DR Mario
Zelda: OoT
Zelda: MM
Paper Mario
Mario Kart
Diddy Kong racing and Mario 64 up to almost perfect.

Other great things for a modded Xbox

Games to your HDD so less loading-times
Bigger HDD (i got one of 160 GB =D)
Allmost all sorts of moviefile-playback using XBMC (even with subtitles)
NTSC on your PAL Xbox and PAL on your NTSC Xbox
Free kind of Xbox Live (Xbox Connect)

And lots more, visit xbox-scene.com
A new version of the N64 emulator is almost ready and should be released in a (few) months :D
First things first if you don't have a big harddrive get the biggest one that you can you will fill it up fast. Go to xbox-scene.com like other people have already mentioned look at the tutorials and messageboards and you will figure out what to do. Look into the emulators pretty much anything older than the psx and n64 has been emulated perfectly and psx and n64 are emulated alright. Look into xbox media center it's amazing and you will be supprized at what it can do. If you are into linux take a look at gentoox it's kinda fun to play around with. Get ahold of dvd2xbox this will allow you to rip cd's, dvd's, and games to your harddrive so that you can run them straight off the harddrive. It's a pretty impressive piece of hardware so read up I'm sure you will have a lot of fun with your new toy.