Pintsized (new Magazine)

Would you pay for it? (read post first)

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but for a considerably cheaper price

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  • No, but its a good idea

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No you merchants

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  • Total voters

Rico posted on Jul 30 2004 at 09:28 PM said:
Few things:

- collect your pre-orders, if enough, send
- smcs should be given out BEFORE the internet release date, as an incentive
- ebuyer does bulk discounts automatically, might come in handy
yeah i know about the discounts (altho it isnt on all SMCs)

the main problem with doing the SMC b4 internet release is that it woudl delay the first issue

but Mark has just come online so discussiona are underway (as long as CSI isnt o)
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No offense like, but I probably wouldn't go for the SMC option if it was 16Mb only. I'd like the SMC to be useful after I've read the mag, and I just can't see much use for a 16Mb SMC. Sure, I could fit a few emulators and homebrew games on there, but little else and the restrictions are too tight. You dig?

But still, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Good luck with it all.
i think this is a FREAKING COOL IDEA! especially the smc deal! and i dont really care what sizes the smc's r. and the 'Shiny Box' thing, how shiny r we talkin about? :rolleyes: and how much will it be all up 2 get it to australia? and i would be willing to pay. B)
yeah go ahead. i wasnt too sure at first but the smc idea sold me.......KICK ON.

edit::::::: i just realised that it might be 16mb?? i would have gone for the 64mb option or 32mb minimum
i think whats gonna happen is we will give a prie for each sized SMC (16,32,64,128) incl. the box etc. then find out how much it will be to sip to different areas



OK, these are censored versions of the first review of Pintsized

the first person to tell me what game I am reviewing (maybe no-one will get it, 2 guesses per person) will win a 64mb SMC

EDIT: Mark and any family members are excluded from the competition
Huxley posted on Jul 31 2004 at 03:39 PM said:
My guess... Fgen or QuakeGP.
OK, i wont count Fgen as a guess, coz its the game I am looking for, so feel free to have another

it could be a rom, a wad, a homebrew title ,but not an app, it is most definately a game
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DAVEY G got it and I dont quite know how he did it, but the 64mb card will be wheeling its way to u when Issue 1 of Pintsized comes out

I did leave a little clue, the clue is in the title (whether I did this on purpose or by accident is up to u to decide :D )
Vimacs posted on Jul 31 2004 at 03:56 PM said:
its theimage name matt :-)
yeah, thanx for telling me that now

i forgot thats what i called it

but hey, thats cool B) B) B) B) B)

no-one else thoguht i was that stupid, but davey g did
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