www.consolevision.com - Please Help!


Hey there I was wondering if some people from this board could start hanging round the GP32 part of Consolevision. If i can get enough people interested in the GP32 (aka lots of people in the message board) we may be able to start up Pocketvision. At the moment the main guys there (im just a lonely gp32 news poster) arn't willing to start it up as there not much interest.

Again im just doing this to advertise the site (its gets enough hits as it is, 5000 a day) I just want to get Pocketvision going :)


Why start pocketvision when we could just go to GP32 extreme?
its annoying enough checking gp32extreme, gp32news, gp32emu etc
Im not saying don't help, but it isn't exactly good to create Another GP32 site providing news, there is enough already. Maybe you should try and get mixed up with the GP32Xtreme new's posters and get Consolevision to affliate?
File hosting and/or webhosting for coders probably would help...it's very hard to start up a forum for no reason (ie no traffic to match it).