Astonishia Story R


Still Fresh
Jul 14, 2004
Sweden Stockholm
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I was wondering if somebody have this..and where can you buy it....

I want it...

Is there a english patch for it....

But it´s ok if it´s in korean text...

Because I played the Final Fantasy VII all in japanese text....first...

How much for Astonishia Story R do they there a demo for it...???

A lot of questions but please I need to know...

Is there somebody who have it and want to sell it....HEY I´m interestied....
Actually it seems to ran out of stock... everywhere :(
at less I've checked the main big GP32 games shop & no one got a date for re-stock ;(

hummm FFVII in Japanese is by far more easy than Astonisha in Korean, beleive me coz I made them both & I still can't finish Astonisha lol

There's no demo for it ... & you could find it under 40 bucks!
I've always wanted to get this game, but the Korean is a major problem. We can live in hope.
Yeah, I only bought one game and I cant use that anymore, it was Dungeons and Guarder - which, in my opinion, is not as good as Golden Axe on FGEN.

Would buy this though. Would like a really top footy game also. ..oh Konami, we are you.....