Hi guys im looking at testing out the comercial games available and these 2 caught my eye. Any one played these 2? Little Wiz looks the biz' with really cool gfx and GP fight just looks plain fun.
I thought little wizards would be alot more fun than it is. The graphics look nice but its really choppy and the game play just didn't seem all that great to me. I also got gpfight and I really do like this game. At first I was not a huge fan of gpfight because it would simply kick my ass everytime. So expect that you will get rocked for awhile but once you get the hang of it a bit its alot of fun. There is alot moreto it than a straight up fighting game and each leve is like a little mini game where you compeate against other players to do things like climb a wall, race to a finish line or pick up objects on the bottom of a pool while kicking the crap out of eachother. It really reminds me alot of the game crash and the boys for the nes inwhich its like a sports game withloks of fighting. When looking at all of the games I thought little wizards and gpfight would be the best so i got both of them as well and I would deffinatly recomend gpfight but little wizards deffinatly looks better than it really is.
Gr8 thanks for that GPFight sounds great fun. When you download comercial games does it "lock" your Smart Media from read write? to stop piracy? i dont want to pirate dont get me wrong but i dont want to lock a 128MB Smart Card with a 20 meg or whatever game i might as well use a smaller cheaper card.
No, once you get the file you can do what ever you want with it, you can put on to as much smcs as you like, and delete it off the smc when ever you want. The only problem is, that the file will only work on you're gp32.
I really used to want GPFight, but now that I've looked at lots of screenshots, and reviews, I don't think it is so good. I'd get mill if I were you (I can't if I were I because my mom would go bannanas if I BOUGHT something for the GP32 because I told her that the games were free and forgot to add the part that *most* of them are free)
There should be an english patch for mill soon, even though if you really want it in english, I'd wait till the patch comes, but if my mom would let me I'd buy mill right now.
I have not seen very many english translations for games floating around but I hope that if the gp32 is released in the UK that will change. I live in the US but I am really hoping that this thing will acctually come out in the UK for a number of reasons but I'm not holding my breath. If the gp32 comes out in the UK it will get more exposure and hopfully get alot more development from emulator authors and comercial game makers. I'm thinking that if there is going to be an english patch for games like astonisha story that they will only come out when the company that created the game feels that there will be enough of a demand for it to make it worth while. True there are alot ofenglish speaking people who own a gp32 but those are the hardcore gamers that are willing to import a system and in the long run are really a pretty select few.