Opensnes(i Haveno Newsof It So Dont Ruin Ur Pants)


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Jun 3, 2004
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I remember when the gbax redo compo thing happened like 2 weeks ago people were talking about a update of opensnes9x. Any news? I looked on the website and there is not a new news update since 2003. Im going to donate to rlyeh for his amazing efforts with fgen and his contributions to the gp32 comunity and cant wait to pass out the cash for the opensnes update(as in donate). So if ThunderZ, Laxer3a & Yoyofr are listening, can you give me some news?
triksR4rabits posted on Jul 1 2004 at 08:30 PM said:
And good news for the end Yoyofr promised to release new, better and FASTER version of OSnes9xGP very very soon
EDIT: found it. He posted this on 6/28 so its recent
Double Edit: shit, double post, sorry. BTW, this is on page 3 of Spray's "what the hell is going on" thread in case you were interested (in suggestions section)
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i am dieing for this release
snes is my favorite console of all time
i hope hando typing very twice isn't a typo
Hopefully "very very soon" means within the next 4-5 days, which is when I should get my GP32 back from Mashmods :D

But what I'm curious about is, if a release is "very very soon," has he already decided on how to handle the whole ASM CPU Core + Transparencies + 4 MB roms situation? I wonder if he managed to fit it all in...
i hope
i hope he's fixed the multap bug also
i want to play mario rpg and kirby superstar
i can't wait
but i do remember in feb when we were asking ourselves where the next os9xgp is
i hope we don't end up in december asking the same thing again
No, you have a point, I'm just wondering how the Flux Capacitor fits into all this?
Grumpy succeeded has to obtain news of YoyoFr and its OpenSnes9xGp emulator...
Extracts of the email of YoyoFr...

concerning os9xgp, I bump tjs above, but much less quickly than front. I have more job
and less spare time for Ca... However Ca advances! the principal brake has the exit of
new version is the problem of the limit of the 8Mo of RAM. Approximately the addition of the assembler
more quickly to emulate the main frame of the snes nibbled not badly on the free memory
and it does not remain enough any more of place to have the transparency in same time.
it is a pity bus besides while working on the zodiac I realized that in certain plays, returned with transparency (cad by using the algos origin of snes9x) than is made faster "optimized" of os9xgp. These cases are rare but exist (donkey king country, puzzle bobble...). Thus Ca me embete a little to make a release without management of a mode of made "original snes9x" with transparency, a little as in the preceding port of snes9X by intellecto.
approximately I think of leaving a version in little time, but all is relative: if I find spare time Ca can be in 2jours, as in 2mois: - /


Thank you in Grincheux for the news!

jours means days, mois = months? weeks?
I'm french, I can help you I think :)
so he said that the new version can appear in 2 days (jours) as well as in 2 months (mois) - it'll depends on his free time, so in the worst case 2 months and in the best 2 days (hummm abit more now lol) ;)
Anyway, as long as he update & work on this then we can be extremly happy :D
Thanks again YoyoFr for your fantastic work :)