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Still Fresh
May 17, 2003
well i assumed from looking at the gbax website of the gp gutted to show how, from what it looks like, he installs the unit, it appears to draw you into believing that he hooks it up. honestly guys, i'm not bashing anyone, and i dind't say anything hostilic, such as some calling me an idiot. I am simply over anxious on having my game park function for me. w/o this backlight it is pretty much useless considering the only time i have to use it would b in dark poorly lit places.

ok ok so i see i'ts not craig. sorry sorry sorry :o . i'm just speculating here, and i didn't slander him. i thought he had the units, and i was wondering why he didn't make them avaliable. so i was wrong. never did i attack him personally and call him an "idiot". it seems that the first person came off a little off about it..and things amplified. hell...somebody can't say anything anymore w/o things blowing up into "driving craig out of business" as axeman so wisely said. hehehe

anyway, my point being i am just frustrated that it has not surfaced after a year of promices that it's around the corner. marketing the backlight kit should b far easier than the unit combos...and yes, maby gamepark is screwing with us. seems that i didn't know, and i insulted your ring of dear friends, and for that i'm sorry. just next time, saying "it's not him" is enough...5 homies fighting for their lives and calling me a moron isn't necessary. mk?

I"M SORRY CRAIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHIN BUT LOVE FOR YA BABY :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well your not the only one that happens to be waiting for the FLU kit. If you had read some of the previous posts, you may have realised that.

If you had researched a little bit before mouthing off you may also have found out that craig does not MAKE these units and is mearly a supplier (oh and a programmer) of hardware. He does not have any of these unit at present, Because they are not currently available.

Check you facts first. <_<

well met trooper...sadly i have a life that deems me to have insufficient time to read 800 topics...maby later i should just ask you for a summary. read on home girl
P64IMP posted on May 18 2003 said:
well met trooper...sadly i have a life that deems me to have insufficient time to read 800 topics...maby later i should just ask you for a summary. read on home girl
If you can count that many topics, Then you have less of a life than me. I work for a living, What i do with my time off is my business :D :D :D . Don`t like it, Tough.
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trooper posted on May 18 2003 said:
If you can count that many topics, Then you have less of a life than me.
Topics Replies Last Post Info
General talk
General discussion about GP32.
Forum Led by: hando 808 5907

somebody seems to b a little pissey...and notice that if you open your eyes sometimes you can read stuff...like the # beside the general topic forum

-- Use "Search", you don't actually have to read all 800 topics... -- Rico

i find it funny to believe that u actually think i counted all those msgs. it's called tact :lol: :lol: :lol:
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P64IMP posted on May 18 2003 said:
trooper posted on May 18 2003 said:
If you can count that many topics, Then you have less of a life than me.
Topics Replies Last Post Info
General talk
General discussion about GP32.
Forum Led by: hando 808 5907

somebody seems to b a little pissey...and notice that if you open your eyes sometimes you can read stuff...like the # beside the general topic forum

i find it funny to believe that u actually think i counted all those msgs. it's called tact :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never heard of "auto refresh" either :rolleyes: , Some web browsers have that. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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ok ok bubble bobble boy...i didn't want to turn this topic into a juvy chik fight.
Please stop

This used to be a friendly place to be, but the last couple of days have disproved that theory.

Grow up children, learn to get along, otherwise the community will just go the way of other before it.

I see both sides of the argument, neither side is totally right, and neither side is totally wrong.

Axeman, Rico or Hando please lock these topics and lets get back to helping each other out



Very Sad :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
look, i'm not trying to egg things on....and i made this topic to clarify my view that i was not out to slander...then this guy follows me and continues to fight. I OPENED THIS AREA TO APOLOGIZE........I WAS MISTAKEN. AND I DON'T APPRECIATE OTHERS COMING AFTER ME AFTER THAT IS SAID TO TELL ME "I DON'T GIVE A CRAP...DO YOUR RESEARCH FOOL"

i'm just a guy that wants a backlight. MrT > that is exactly what i want is a area that is anti all that juvanile fighting. once again i didn't open this to continue anything, but simply to seek amends and to clarify that i was not out to get anybody...that others misinterpreted and spouted all this crap about me "trying to take craig out of the business"...that is BS. DAM... i'm not following up anymore...if yall want to continue to fight me and draw out false messages and misinterpret me then go ahead, as you will b talking to yourself.

for those who don't matter...continue to fight...for those that do, aka
CRAIG > it was not my intention to bash you. i was simply misinformed by taking out a false message out of your site (the install pics)...and as an avid gp supporter, i was simply voicing my frustrations on not having a backlight.
had i have known the fact that u just receive units, i wouldn't have speculated that you were sitting on them....and that's all it was was SPECULATIONS....NOT ACCUSATIONS.

for the rest of you...i'm not interested in how you wish to bash me. read my initial post and you will realize that the follow up poasts were out of line. hence bringing this about

signing out: one frustrated gp owner.
...let's keep the forum dignified people pls
There now please let that be an end to it. The guy said sorry, he was wrong, but at the same time even when he says sorry people still get on his back. I too think Craig has done so much for the community and hopefully will do more still but please lets get back to normal we are better than this.

P64IMP has put his case, he's apologised, lets accept this and look forward to him (sorry if you aint a guy) becoming a asset to this community.

I declare this topic unofficially CLOSED!!!!!!!!!

No I am not God - That title goes to Jeff (Skeezix)

You got your wish MrT...

Topic locked due to too much bickering. Don't let this get out of control people......
FLU will come eventually, no need to get catty :)

Everyone should take a step back and remember how posts CAN and DO get taken the wrong way. That's what emoticons are for ;)

Thanks for the apologies etc, now lets get back to interesting things :D
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