Scared about your GP32?

Whenever you loose sight of your GP32 are you scared?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • How could I be?? It's just a white thingy!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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Whenever I get my GP32 out of sight I keep thinking that bad things will happen to it (stepped on, rained on, eaten by my dog...) I just want to know if anyone else is like that, too.
I take very good care of my gp32, and I would *not* leave it anywhere where it could get damaged or stolen. But if it ever did happen I would be scared as hell, And very very very angry if something did happen to it. It would not be very pretty. :D
You guys are pussies. I mean, I like my gp32 and all, and like deving for it and it's important to me, but I leave it over at friend's houses all the time. I once thought I lost it, but it was under a couch for like 2 weeks at my friends. That kinda sucked, but I didn't get depressed or anything.

Just to mention it, I'm not spoiled or anything. I bought it myself, and if I lost it I'd have to replace it myself, and I'm anything but loaded.

maybe some of you guys should get out more.

BTW, I just know I'm asking to get flamed here. Just thought I should voice my opinion on a pretty weird poll.
Scared and scared..
it's a toy damnit!
and it's not even an expensive one..
I'd be concerned about mine, but not scared. I would be worried if I couldn't remember where I put it at all, but if it randomly got left round at a friend's house, just get it back in due course.
I'd be a bit pissed off though, if it vanished either just before I went on holiday, or whilst I was on holiday, since the former would prevent me from using a handheld in the time when its most pertinent - long journeys - and the latter would mean that I'd have to shell out another £150 to get a new one.

That said, it is a major part of my life now... all the GP32 sites have been added to my "list of daily checking sites"
I'm more worried about it getting damaged or break somehow.

I'm worried about the buttons and the stick, since they seem like they would
break easy, and I'm worried about the screen getting scratches.
You guys are pussies. I mean, I like my gp32 and all, and like deving for it and it's important to me, but I leave it over at friend's houses all the time. I once thought I lost it, but it was under a couch for like 2 weeks at my friends. That kinda sucked, but I didn't get depressed or anything.

Hmmmm.... I'd never get depressed, only pissed off...

Some people DO take the whole thing WAAAAAAY to seriously, and sort of get locked into it, so there's nothing else in their life, which IS a bit sad.

Its about finding the balance, and realizing whne you're getting too attached to something...

If mine broke tomorrow it'd be "ah well.... back to GBAx, I can wait", not breaking down and going to bed until it comes back :P
This isn't a stupid poll. People can be worried about damaging things that they own, even if they're not obsessed with it. It does not make them 'pussies'. After all, you'd have to be pretty stupid not be worried about damaging something that cost over a £100. Anything with a value is worth being concerned about. Not to the stage where you're depressed, but you can still be worried.

Maybe you're just not as bothered about shelling out for replacement gear as other people are, Rattboi. It amazes me that you managed to leave your GP32 under someone elses couch and not know about it. Do you often leave objects of value in strange places? I hope you never lose your keys...

Don't confuse being concerned about one's property with being a 'pussy'. People could easily confuse your laid back approach with being completely absent minded.
I'm uber paranoid, I keep it in my coat pocket when i'm out and about and even then its in the super case! waterproof as i just found out, silly rain. But it took me a lot of effort to get £180 + how much i've paid in battery costs and my new SMC sooooooooooooooooooo I really don't wanna shell that out seeing as i only work 1 day a week and I'm at college full time for the rest. That don't make me a pussy, makes me a skivvy student but not a pussy
But I am really scared, because if I loose it I loose ~$250, and I don't get that much ($5.50 week I'm just 11). It's not that I can't stand a month or two waiting for a new one.
The only thing I'm worried about when breaking it is that I would CERTAINLY want another one... which means (since I'm living in Germany) waiting for a few weeks and then I have to pay taxes and so... geez, THAT'S what would piss me off!
Rattboi posted on May 16 2003 said:
You guys are pussies. I mean, I like my gp32 and all, and like deving for it and it's important to me, but I leave it over at friend's houses all the time. I once thought I lost it, but it was under a couch for like 2 weeks at my friends. That kinda sucked, but I didn't get depressed or anything.
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I would get pissed because if it broke, or got lost. I would never be able to get it again. They are only going to be sold for a certain ammount of time. And I really dont have the money to throw away to get another one.

I am in no way a "pussy" becuase I worry about my property. What makes me a "pussy" is that if I got into a fight, I would probably lose. If your car was lost or stolen, and you got pissed about it, would that make you a pussy?
1. A car is worth of thousands of dollars/pounds more, and involves lots of legal crap, but that's not the point.
2. rcx is repeatedly worrying about his GP32. Example - when I have it in my bag, I do not constantly worry that it will smash against a wall or something, or that (!!) my dog will eat it...
But a car is just a metal thing that moves when you push down a petal. Its an earthly item just like a gp32. I understand its alot more money, but to a kid without a job a gp32 can be alot of money too. Over the summer, im going to get a job and a car. The car will be junk, but it will do what I want it to do.
Hah! See what I started? I think it's funny that people are so defensive about this. I knew my post would be blown out of proportion. Anyways, it sucks to lose stuff, and everyone knows that. I wasn't aware that there were some people here that were like 11 years old, or I would understand the money issue better.

Otherwise, someone said something like "I'm not a pussy, just a student". I'm a student too, and I have to scrape money together all the time for stuff, so don't use that as an excuse. Some of the others have made some good rebuttles, but the original posts are what I was talking about to begin with. They said crap about super-paranoia, and I just imagine kids going, "Oh! Where's my GP32? It's not with me at this exact moment!" and I thought that was wrong. That's all.
the skivvy student was me :) and i've got loads of other stuff to pay for as well like anime and computer and books