Commercial Games...


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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my paycheck from my paperound (it's very big! :unsure: ) is coming soon and I wanna buy a commercial game from lik-sang. Of course I'll also get my free mug. :P
So which one is the best?
My advice to you is keep your money and don't bother - they are all of low to middling quality and would be considered rubbish if they were available on the GBA.
What about Tomak, Ive heard thats fun, and really graphical, ala Metal Slug.

Speaking of commercial games, any word on "Wanna be a Wizard"? That game looked really fun. Is it still coming out?
What about Tomak, Ive heard thats fun, and really graphical, ala Metal Slug.

It's true that Tomak has neat GFX but the main problem is, that the game is by far too hard. I lost fun playing it after 10 minutes and never touched it again.
best bet is all for princess

ive tried most of the games and her knights is the one i appreciate the most
pinball dreams is cool, too, but i don't think it's available on liksang
What about Tomak, Ive heard thats fun, and really graphical, ala Metal Slug.

It's true that Tomak has neat GFX but the main problem is, that the game is by far too hard. I lost fun playing it after 10 minutes and never touched it again.
Dude.....the game can be completed in less than 15 minutes without losing a life. How's that hard-it's so easy it hurts :rolleyes:

Unless, that is you mean the unpatched version.
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I cant do it either

DONT GET LITTLE WIZARD , its soooooooooooooo boring

btw if u do want one y dont u try out the Demos on this site,

Marks selling sum games 2
Commercial games suck.

The best one is Pinball Dreams, and that sucks compared to emulated games.

The one good thing I have to say about them, is that gpFight has some ace intro graphics. It is stupidly hard to play though, and all in korean.
ASR and Mill are good, if you know Korean. ;) (I'm still hoping they will get translated in the Euro. Launch even if they aren't on Gamepark's "going to translate for Euro. launch" list)
ASR and Mill are good, if you know Korean. ;) (I'm still hoping they will get translated in the Euro. Launch even if they aren't on Gamepark's "going to translate for Euro. launch" list)
yea mill is the one that I always though looked really cool.
DONT GET LITTLE WIZARD , its soooooooooooooo boring
damn! that looked cool
Also is dungeon and guarder good?
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i have dungeon and guarder and i enjoy it, nice graphics, easy controls, the only problem i have is that it is a little choppy but doesn't effect the game at all. also for difficulty, its not that hard even on easy its challenging but not insanely hard, i finished it in one sitting, but still like to play it now and then.
If you need to by a game on SMC get All for Princess. It's quite entertaining, good graphics but I guess you have to be a fighting game fan to completely enjoy this, as it gets pretty hard and frustrating after a while.

I bought Tomak (on joyGP, thank god) and was really disappointed. Great graphics - crap gameplay.
However, if you just want to buy a game to get the mug, buy something else - like a GP32 case.

Best commercial game for the GP32? Pinball Dreams (joyGP - great price!).

I have also reviewed both Pinball Dreams and Tomak. Check GP32Emu games section for more details.
All for princess or her knights is sold out bet is to get one avaliable on joygp, correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure they dont have her knights there either. Wait for euro, i garentee lik-sang or play-asia will stock up on some for extra cash from euro/american gp32 owners.
First of all it is fun to have a boxed games :) I have two of them: Her Knight (All for Princess) and it really kicks ass and Tomak. Tomak is nice but too hard. Actually there is a patch released by creators of that game (you can download it from our site). After patching game is much more easier. The main problem is that game is quite short.
What I reccomend if you want a boxed game (serious GP32 player should have at least one ;)) is to get a Kimchiman (some people think that it is quite entertaining game. It features very good graphics. But i can't say more as I haven't play this game yet). You can also get a Princess Maker. It is in korean but there are many tutorials dedicated to this games so many people find no problem playing this game. Those are my picks from those available at It is actually hard to find boxed days novadays as Gamepark doesn't produce them. Maybe it will change after successful euro launch.
First of all it is fun to have a boxed games :) I have two of them: Her Knight (All for Princess) and it really kicks ass and Tomak. Tomak is nice but too hard. Actually there is a patch released by creators of that game (you can download it from our site). After patching game is much more easier. The main problem is that game is quite short.
What I reccomend if you want a boxed game (serious GP32 player should have at least one ;)) is to get a Kimchiman (some people think that it is quite entertaining game. It features very good graphics. But i can't say more as I haven't play this game yet). You can also get a Princess Maker. It is in korean but there are many tutorials dedicated to this games so many people find no problem playing this game. Those are my picks from those available at It is actually hard to find boxed days novadays as Gamepark doesn't produce them. Maybe it will change after successful euro launch.
thank you.
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