Gp32linux And Opie :) [pda]

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You have to uncomment one or more lines in the 'start' file, to launch the application(s) you want.

"remove the # before the application you want to run , e.g. ./kbill -qws
if you dont have a chatboard , the application will be launched on boot"

Expect some screenshots (not really related to opie) soon...
You have to uncomment one or more lines in the 'start' file, to launch the application(s) you want.

"remove the # before the application you want to run , e.g. ./kbill -qws
if you dont have a chatboard , the application will be launched on boot"

Expect some screenshots (not really related to opie) soon...
Yes, I just read now it in the link, sorry.

I will try again.

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it works!! :_D


really a great job :D
Great job!

I made a "keyboard wrapper" kernel module using input core to introduce chars using gp32 pad and it works on PC... but on GP32 the chars are not assigned as in /linux/input.h kernel header.

Anyone knows how to fix this assignment?
Wow, you guys (cyberic, ingeras and toholl, maybe someone else I missed I noticed the sourceforge site mentions four members) are doing excellent work on the gp32linux port! Thank you for all your work on this project I for one appreciate it!
Great job!

I made a "keyboard wrapper" kernel module using input core to introduce chars using gp32 pad and it works on PC... but on GP32 the chars are not assigned as in /linux/input.h kernel header.

Anyone knows how to fix this assignment?
ask toholl, have a look at
it should work
it is good news to have someone other than toholl working on the kernel
ask him to add u to the devleoppers list
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Cool, I'm just waiting for a better release cause I'm on a 56k and don't want to download a huge file multiple times. I think thats what he means.
well i have to work on my thesis , so i wont have time to work on it until september
the only things you may have to download later
is a new zImage or a new start

the pack is big , because it feature a whole opie distribution [ even if some apps dont work, e.g;. png image viewer ( not enough ram ) ]

it includes multi language support !! but i didnt tested it
have just to add one line to the start

cyberic is working on kdrive, i hope he will try and succeed in using
to build gtk and other stuff [ even a lighter opie version, it doesnt work for me
but if someone have linux, and want to try .... is quite easy : have to set somesethings and then just e.g. "oemake opie-minesweep" ]

as we have binary compatibility with ipaq and zaurus, if people can manage to contact devloppers working on ipaq or zaurus interested in making lighter applications
we could benefit from their help
if you have some coding experience, it s not too hard to jump in ;)
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for the html viewer to work
the file must begin with <HTML>

attention , the html in the pack was modified by lycos
you have to remove the script before the <HTML>
Right, I'm really struggling here people, and I'm wondering if anyone could help.

This has been entered into the GPM Compo, yet I can't even get it to work. I've copied everything exactually right into the correct folders, renamed intrid.nochat to intrid or w/e it's called (I have a chatboard but I want to test it without first) and deleted the # from the start of minesweeper in START.TXT. When I go to run it on my GP it says.......

"Searching a linux kernel...
Error: cannot find ZIMAGE file !!!"

It's done this time and time again-I've even recopied all the files, tired it on a different SMC and God knows what else.

Anyone help?
Right, I'm really struggling here people, and I'm wondering if anyone could help.

This has been entered into the GPM Compo, yet I can't even get it to work. I've copied everything exactually right into the correct folders, renamed intrid.nochat to intrid or w/e it's called (I have a chatboard but I want to test it without first) and deleted the # from the start of minesweeper in START.TXT. When I go to run it on my GP it says.......

"Searching a linux kernel...
Error: cannot find ZIMAGE file !!!"

It's done this time and time again-I've even recopied all the files, tired it on a different SMC and God knows what else.

Anyone help?
Start and ZIMAGE should not have an extention.

like .txt they dont have one.

if urs do then take them off.

i think that non nof the files have extentions, except the HTML pages and their stuff.
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What do you mean? could you be more precise please? Did you code a virtual keyboard?
Well... my original idea was to code a kernel module to get chars from gp32 pad in a style like arcade hi-score input: up and down to change char, left and right to move cursor and one button as enter, other as tab... etc.

I'd be using input core events, so this module could send keyboard, joystick and mouse events... pushing R button for example, will switch from keyboard mode to mouse mode, making GP32 pad inputs as mouse events... another R button click will make pad act as joystick through a char device... in a few words, a module that could use the standard GP32 pad to input all kind of controls.

I started it as a x86 kernel module to and my first tests worked... I used my SNES Pad connected through parallel port to input buttons, the module translate the pressed buttons as input events (one button as a mouse click, other as a 'K' key, for example). So I made 3 little modules to test the 3 input events, one will make SNES pad act as a mouse, other will send key types and the last, joystick moves.

It worked in the x86 kernel, then I introduced a little module into gp32 kernel that sends keyboard events when pad or any button on gp32 are push, using Mr Mirko SDK routines to detect it. And the events are send, but I get unexpected chars... as if the input core is not working fine.

This is the first time I code a kernel module, and it is very simple... I read Toholl's chatboard and mouse modules and it's an awesome work. He is a true kernel developer :)
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Right, I'm really struggling here people, and I'm wondering if anyone could help.

This has been entered into the GPM Compo, yet I can't even get it to work. I've copied everything exactually right into the correct folders, renamed intrid.nochat to intrid or w/e it's called (I have a chatboard but I want to test it without first) and deleted the # from the start of minesweeper in START.TXT. When I go to run it on my GP it says.......

"Searching a linux kernel...
Error: cannot find ZIMAGE file !!!"

It's done this time and time again-I've even recopied all the files, tired it on a different SMC and God knows what else.

Anyone help?
Start and ZIMAGE should not have an extention.

like .txt they dont have one.

if urs do then take them off.

i think that non nof the files have extentions, except the HTML pages and their stuff. do I do that :unsure:
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The 3 letter extention on the end of the files need to be deleted in other words. Change the folder options so you can see the extention of the file and delete the . and the 3 letter extension.

I duno if that works, I havn't tried it yet. But that's what the other guy was getting at.
I can't get snake to work :(. It says press any key to start so I press a key and nothing happens! any suggestions or is there no clicking yet?
Right, I'm really struggling here people, and I'm wondering if anyone could help.

This has been entered into the GPM Compo, yet I can't even get it to work. I've copied everything exactually right into the correct folders, renamed intrid.nochat to intrid or w/e it's called (I have a chatboard but I want to test it without first) and deleted the # from the start of minesweeper in START.TXT. When I go to run it on my GP it says.......

"Searching a linux kernel...
Error: cannot find ZIMAGE file !!!"

It's done this time and time again-I've even recopied all the files, tired it on a different SMC and God knows what else.

Anyone help?
Start and ZIMAGE should not have an extention.

like .txt they dont have one.

if urs do then take them off.

i think that non nof the files have extentions, except the HTML pages and their stuff. do I do that :unsure:
If you cannot see the extentions go to My Computer, then Tools, Folder Options, then the View tab, then untick the Hide extention of knows file types tab.

then apply.

then go to the files rename then and remove the .txt extentions.
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I can't get snake to work :(. It says press any key to start so I press a key and nothing happens! any suggestions or is there no clicking yet?
well if you have the init for the chatboard
you can press a key on the chatboard
but as i said
the key mapping are wrong for now so u will always crash in the wall ...
yes =7 ?
7 =b
8 =\
9 ='
0 =5 & new line
<- = a ??
< =5
> =5

if u push www or email or sms
yes=7 et return to normal mode

you can try with textedit
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