Linux Gp

what can you do with GP linux?
1st of all and the more important : WE CAN

have we suddenly got hundreds of linux programs to use?
We should be able to use quite a lot programs from linux (spredsheet, word processing editor.....)

Just wait till a usable version is out and you will ba able to test it by yourself

see you :lol:
errrrrrrr, yeah im sure it dus.

but that dont mean we would be able to watch flash on it would it???

* crosses fingers and hopes its a yes *
The GP32 Linux is nowhere near being able to run a GUI, let alone Flash.

It probably never will either, even if you had the 32 MB RAM upgrade.
papapopalung posted on May 24 2004 at 09:34 PM said:
like it says... what can you do with GP linux? not much apart from looking at a penguin with a hat on, or have we suddenly got hundreds of linux programs to use?
It is just so you can tell people that your "gameboy" runs Linux :D Otherwise it seems pretty useless right now.
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so it's as useless as i feared then? no wonder i'm the first to post about it...

bravo, linux nerds... you've really outdone yourselves this time... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

edit: am i being too harsh?
papapopalung posted on May 24 2004 at 08:15 PM said:
so it's as useless as i feared then? no wonder i'm the first to post about it...

bravo, linux nerds... you've really outdone yourselves this time... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

edit: am i being too harsh?
You are far from the first to post about it, there are many threads about this very thing on this forum.

Your not being too harsh, your being a complete idiot.

The linux port for GP32 is purely for fun, just to see what the GP32 is capable of. It has nothing to do with actually trying to get any decent games or software out of it. We do it, because we can. For no other reason than that. If something good comes out of it, well great. We will get a GUI running, i've seen linux run on lower specs than the GP32 with a working GUI. It wont rival a PDA, but it will be nice to see on the GP32 to test its limits.

Personally I think video and mp3 playing on the GP32 is a useless waste of time and batteries. But that doesnt mean I dont think its cool to see a video or mp3 playing on my favorite handheld. Its a nice novelty, something to say "Hey, look what my handheld can do!" Just another thing to show the power of the GP32 to unbelievers. Maybe get a few converts.

A lot of our beloved coders for the GP32 use linux, you want to attract some more coders to the GP32? Show them linux running on the GP32.

Of course its not going to be too usefull, a PDA would be much more usefull than linux on the GP32, just like an MP3 player would be much more usefull that the GP32 for mp3s, and a handheld dvd player better at playing movies than a GP32, but that hasnt stopped many people from enjoying videos and mp3s on their GP32.

Rather than insult the people who are not only creating software for the GP32, but pushing the GP32 to its limits, you should be happy that development of any kind is still going strong on the GP32.
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papapopalung posted on May 24 2004 at 10:27 PM said:
well excuse me for thinking that a useless piece of software is a waste of time... :P

if that makes me a complete idiot well so be it. :)
If you consider a software program that pushes a peice of hardware to its limits, shows the extreme possiblities of the hardware, all the time providing the blueprints for anyone to use as a base for future projects, useless, you have problems.

Who said its useless? Its not going to be as great as a PDA, thats a given, but hell, look at how many people have WindUps installed. In my opinion, thats one of the most worthless peices of software on the GP32, yet, it still has its uses for some people. Imagine something more, imagine an entire operating system, gui (window manager) and a plethora of little usefull apps that will run within the 8 MB ram, on a 133/166 mhz system. Even more if you get the 32 MB ram update. Its no PDA, but its far from useless.

It wont be great, dont expect to play games or emulators on it. But it will be far from useless.
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say someone writes a driver for the usb port... would enable proper networking... id love a text based irc client on my gp...

if the dev is able too continue i can see loads of uses.

right now its a proof of concept only really


It really a question of, Will it actually result in something useful for the GP32, I understand it means you have a new coding platform with lots of possibilities but the real test comes from creating something for the end users, if the result is just another version of GPdrive all the excitement will be kinda anticlimatic.

Not to sounds like a prick or anything but what all this says to me is: GPlinux , great, woo hoo!, now what can it do for me?

If all we're goign to see out of it is tech demos let me know now so I can save my excitement for something like a new original game.
The experience developers would gain from developing GP linux, would filter through to other projects, by coding something like linux and collabirating with other coders, programmers are bound to pick up some new skills or ideoligies that will help them improve other projects.
Alpha2 posted on May 25 2004 at 10:04 AM said:
Not to sounds like a prick or anything but what all this says to me is: GPlinux , great, woo hoo!, now what can it do for me?
Okay, I planned never to write in the general forums again because there are so many people who don't care about copyrights, respecting developers and in general not behaving very mature. But THIS post makes me too angry. Listen, WHO the fuck cares what ANY GP32 project can do for you? Didn't you realize that those projects aren't made specifically for YOU or any other GP32 user? Those projects are done for the enjoyment, recreation and education of the coders/porters. Why should anyone give a FUCK about the fact that you like or dislike a project? If you don't like that project, why comment it? There are dozens of people who are really looking forward to get this thing going, don't be a turd and sabotage their fun by discouraging the developer(s) or selfish behaviour.
How can people call the GP32 scene so great, when the so called scene's interest is all about playing pirated romz on the latest emu, and anything apart from that is being disrespected...

Note: I know that not all people in the GP32 scene are like that, it's just the impression you get when you read the boards... That's for me, last post in general boards...
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It appears some people just don't know when to keep their mouths shut. Alpha2 joined February 2nd, less than 4 months ago, yet he has 738 posts on the board!

6.15 posts a day?!? And you contribute WHAT to the scene?

How about quit the bitching, make something and then maybe MAYBE you'll be entitled to ask for shit.