Nes Flash Cart


Still Fresh
Dec 10, 2003
Toronto, Canada
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i play my nintendo alll the time(mainly for games like duckhunt where the gp32 jsut cant compare to the gun :P ) and i began realizing how amazing it would be if they had something like the gba flash kits for a nintendo. i know it probably doesnt.. but still.. a man can dream. :huh:
I don't get it ... a flashcart?? For NES roms ... to be played on a gp32_console ??

I really don't understand .. you STILL can't play with a light gun on any emulator ... unless there's some hardware hack out there I'm unaware of ...

And why would you need a flashcart?? The GP32 has a damn - near perfect NES emulator (LittleJohn)
Are you sure that's what he meant? I'm still confused :rolleyes:
i began realizing how amazing it would be if they had something like the gba flash kits for a nintendo

ok, tristan is right coz u know how gba has flash carts, he wants 1 for nes so he can put nes roms on it and play them on his console.

and shouldnt this be in the off topic forum since its about nes? ;)
in japan a thing called famicom disk system was released years ago that connected to the nes and used these wee disk things that you could take to shops and stick in a machine and put games on them far cheaper than buying the carts.
CABBAGES posted on May 21 2004 at 10:05 AM said:
FAMICOM DISK SYSTEM. i just won this auction on ebay the other day. If someone has made somethin to connect those little square disks to a pc then yo ushould be able to transfer your roms onto them.
You don't really know what you bought. FDS was another support for official games, some famicom games were only released on it. It is not a dumping device... And it only works on japanese consoles, famicom. Yet it is not a problem as the console is sold with it.
But I had never head about a device in shops to get games. Perhaps you're confused with the satellite system for SNES which allowed to get games for a certain duration on special, rewritable cartridges.

Games for FDS are quite hard to find outside japan.
It is not at all what you want, but it is a great thingy. I wish I had one ;)
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You payed 51$ ? WAAAHHHH!!!!
in germany there was a disk system on had cost 270 €uro.
oh i didnt want it for the reason he was talking about i wanted it coz i thought it looked good andmaybe ill sell it. yes it was £51 but £40 P+P so if i do end up selling it i will sell it for at least £100 :D
CABBAGES posted on May 21 2004 at 11:06 AM said:
damaki look at this IM RIGHT HAHAHA
Hum You're right about the shops where you could put you disk in a machine an get a game. That was a nice concept but I don't like the idea of "use and throw to bin" :(

But there's nothing about rom dumping with fds on this website.
Game copiers in Hong Kong and Taiwan illegally ported Famicom cartridges to the Disk System well into the 90s, and there are a fair
FDS does not dump roms, you need a cartridge to fds copier.
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MrGay posted on May 21 2004 at 05:44 AM said:
i play my nintendo alll the time(mainly for games like duckhunt where the gp32 jsut cant compare to the gun :P ) and i began realizing how amazing it would be if they had something like the gba flash kits for a nintendo. i know it probably doesnt.. but still.. a man can dream. :huh:

Why not get a Modded XBox with the SharpShooter light gun?

They are great, I have one. You could develop your own lightgun games for them
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DarkMetroid posted on May 21 2004 at 04:20 PM said:
Modded X-boxes rule!!! I have tons of emu's on it and backups of my orignal
X-box games on my 120gig HDD!!!!!
origionally rented you mean? no, well i guess its only me that would do that :P
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fdave posted on May 21 2004 at 08:24 AM said:
MrGay posted on May 21 2004 at 05:44 AM said:
i play my nintendo alll the time(mainly for games like duckhunt where the gp32 jsut cant compare to the gun :P ) and i began realizing how amazing it would be if they had something like the gba flash kits for a nintendo. i know it probably doesnt.. but still.. a man can dream. :huh:

Why not get a Modded XBox with the SharpShooter light gun?

They are great, I have one. You could develop your own lightgun games for them
NesterDC supports lightgun, why not try playing duckhunt on that? Dc is cheap too...
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