If You Had 3 Wishes What Would They Be??

1. I can pick up chicks with my GP32
2. poeple pay me for playing with my GP32
3. I can kill 7 idiots a day with my GP32
1. Gamepark dominates the handheld market
2. Gamepark thanks everyone who bought original GP32s for helping them dominate the market by giving them 10GB SMC cards that were just developed, and giving them a free GP32 wireless internet adapter (T3 connection speed :D) + free internet access for lifetime.
3. Gamepark makes a GP64, and gives it as a free upgrade to everyone with original GP32s.


If the GP64 was powerful enough, and had multitasking, I could run my own server on it :P
1) The BLU was released NOW and was $50.00 cheaper.

2) All of the coders that jumped ship to the Zodiac to begin work on the GP32 again as well as the Z.

3) All of the current emus were finished off to be as good as technically possible.

Those aren't to un-realistic right?
1 - Fuel Cell Battery that was able to charge itself and thus unending power for gp.
2 - All current emus and projects completed to full potential (ie Linux, Chatboard)
3 - T3 speed internet access with central server streaming capability.

1. A sex slave with unlimited 128ms SM cards in her pocket
2. Her sister with a Backlit GP32 in hers.
3. Not fussed with a 3rd cos I'm quite happy with the first 2 :P
1. the GP12gigazillion, it comes with 800million gig of ram, a 348537285382GHZ processer, and its media are super hapi fun physicaly small but not to small, 100000GB micro cdrs
2. everything to be free!!!
3. the sex slave that seems to be a standard in this topic
1 - GP32 Flash player
2 - All machines possible to emulate at 100% in GP32 emulated
3 - Sex slave suport while playing GP32
1. Successfull European Launch of the GP32
2. All the games that were planned for the GP32/in development (but never got finished) to be made/finished.
3. The console that is mentioned to be released next year does get released next year.
synkro posted on May 20 2004 at 06:46 PM said:
1. I can pick up chicks with my GP32
2. poeple pay me for playing with my GP32
3. I can kill 7 idiots a day with my GP32
best 3 wishes so far.

mine are:

1. there would be no fat/ugly girls
2. i have the ability to turn my poo into £100 notes
3. nobody uses shortened words with the exception of "lol" and "lmao"

(these are all related to the gp32 LCD screen)
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mine would be;
1. 200mb ram and 20 gb smc( i can dream)
2. able to emulate everything
3. free the geeny, only jokeing, able to compess with virtual dub ( im shit)
bringoutthegimp posted on May 20 2004 at 07:51 PM said:
2. i have the ability to turn my poo into £100 notes

(these are all related to the gp32 LCD screen)

you shit on your gp32......

i think that voids the warrenty.....
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Rico posted on May 20 2004 at 04:45 PM said:
*rereads topic*

Uhm...and she can emulate... Genesis, perfectly. Yeah.
lol :D
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1. Full Speed pc emulation. Including unlimited harddisk space, unlimited processor speed etc.
2. fWISH32 be released, a program created to grant any wish you want :rolleyes:.
3. Has a urinal in the back of the gp32_console.

And you people want like full speed gba emulation. You can have anything at all! Any 3 wishes!
Dozer posted on May 20 2004 at 10:41 PM said:
1. Full Speed pc emulation. Including unlimited harddisk space, unlimited processor speed etc.
2. fWISH32 be released, a program created to grant any wish you want :rolleyes:.
3. Has a urinal in the back of the gp32_console.

And you people want like full speed gba emulation. You can have anything at all! Any 3 wishes!
why do u want a urinal in the back of ur gp32?
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