If You Had 3 Wishes What Would They Be??


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
If you had 3 Wishes what would they be ????

Mine are -

1. A van passing my house carrying big boxes full of 128MB SMC Cards hits a bump and the rear doors pop open and a few boxes fall out... (Lots and lots of Freeeee SMC Cards :D hehe...) :D

2. My own Personal Coding slave :D...

3. Full Speed Amiga with sound..

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: GP32 Related wishes only :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
Full Speed NeoGeo Pocket Color emu

that the GP32 had 128 MB Ram standard for Neo Geo emulation (sweet, sweet fantasy)

Port of Dead or Alive 2 to GP32 (never gonna happen.)
- more time to play with my gp32

- more time to watch gpcinema

- more time to listen to music on my gp

I'm quite content with what I have already
1. My GP32 could perform fellatio.
2. My GP32 could hack into cash machines an move the decimal place on my bank accounts.
3. My GP32 had a mute button that when activated made my misses stop nagging.

Okay on a serious note:

1. Amiga 500 emulation.
2. See 1.
3. See 2.
Memnoch posted on May 20 2004 at 04:48 PM said:
2. My GP32 could hack into cash machines an move the decimal place on my bank accounts.
It doesn't matter what you do to £0.00, it's still nothing :D
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1. that evryone uses the search funktion
2. posts in right forum
3. offtopic not on front page
(can i have 4?)
4. less useless posts
Hmm... wishes...

Well, firstly a BAN on software patants worldwide forever (related due to, in particular, the GBA emu patent Ninty came up with a while back. US only for now, but disturbing).

Full emulation (i.e. anything and everything emulated that it is physically possible to emulate).

GP32 complete GBA ass-whooping success in all of Europe.

A fourth might be to dicover a cheap terapin drive anywhere (say at ~£70 or so - not going to happen lol).
Vimacs posted on May 20 2004 at 04:58 PM said:
1. that evryone uses the search funktion
2. posts in right forum
3. offtopic not on front page
4. less useless posts
He said three wishes you numbskull!

less useless posts

Oh, right. *shuts up*
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1. All gp32 emu's become full speed
2. Special adapters to hook up discman's and pocketstations are released
3. There's an MVS emu and all gp32 have enough memory to run metal slug 1-5 & X (and also puzzle bobble)
1. 1000 more wishes
2. My GP32 gains the ability to download stuff on demand as soon as I ask it to.
3. All GP32s suddenly morph in to GP 2048s- backwards compatible machines from the year 2020 which are...Well 2048 bit.
Josquius posted on May 20 2004 at 05:11 PM said:
1. 1000 more wishes
thats not aloud! have you never seen aladin!

full speed snes
full speed neo geo pocket
a magic 32mb ram chip that magicly replaced it self without me having to mess with solder.
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My wishes would be,....!
1. I had perfect knowledge of C++ coding language.

2. I could get movies to actually WORK on my GP32.

3. I knew every European language!

There..a honest wish list, I don't think it is asking much, as I am not stealing or taking anything but knowledge! :lol: gp32_console
1. A jammin' little text editor w/ support for chatboards :P
2. RGB lead type thing
3. mobile /wap capabilities.