I can run 172MHz-emulators stably on batteries, and 175MHz with a regulated power supply [/braggingrights]. But, as already said, the RAM is the limiting agent in GP32 clockspeeds, so there's no benefit over 166MHz.
was about to go and try to use my very low knowledge of c++ to make osnes9x 180 mhz but i gues not
waiting for the next version is tuff
Just bust out the hex-editor of your choice and change it that way (doesn't require source code, either!) I believe the clock values are stored in reverse order in an FXE or something, though (haven't hex-hacked any FXEs lately...)
I know that the ram can be replaced with better quality ram and 64 mb of it, so If I did that upgrade , would OC'ing to 175 give a benifit?
If so, then could I grab a hex editor and change the OC values of some programs and get better performance?
You might get better performance, I am not too sure, but if you were to run it off batteries, they might not last long if combined with the front light on!