Most Wanted Emulator?

Most Wanted Emulator?

  • Mame

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GBA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Amiga

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Genesis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PS2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • X-Box

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

thebluenewt posted on May 12 2003 said:
kitsune posted on May 12 2003 said:
Amiga would be great to, except for the fact that it had no good games and basically completely sucked. :angry:
Pfft! And you're calling someone else a retard! ;)
I couldn't agree any more :D
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Bungholio posted on May 12 2003 said:
thebluenewt posted on May 12 2003 said:
kitsune posted on May 12 2003 said:
Amiga would be great to, except for the fact that it had no good games and basically completely sucked. :angry:
Pfft! And you're calling someone else a retard! ;)
I couldn't agree any more :D
Me too!

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in the list: nothing really interesting B)

the best things that could hapen to gp32: fullspeed snes emulator and AMSTRAD CPC emulator
Octoate posted on May 12 2003 said:
I owned a spectrum 48k back then, Amstrad cpc seemed a bit of a funny/strange machine to me. :huh:

A friend of mine owned one though, I just could not get along with it, prefered my speccy instead. :)

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never did get on with the Amstrad, I guess I always blamed Alan Sugar for killing Sinclair, but really Clive did not need any help once he went down the road of developing the C5.

Be nice to see what the Amstrad CPC is like, I did own quite a few games, they were often released on the flip-side of the Specy games (at least as budget releases)

Amiga would be great to, except for the fact that it had no good games and basically completely sucked.


I've never wanted to swear so much in my entire life!

A big WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU ON ABOUT is in order I think :o

Ever owned one? You're 17 years old, so I doubt you were around when it was king of the crop :D

I think some others will agree with me!

Hehe - Man, what you missed!
Amiga would be great to, except for the fact that it had no good games and basically completely sucked

sorry, had to jump on the bandwagon with a quote like that... Like axeman before me i believe you being only 17 means you didnt actually have one, and man i feel sorry for you, you missed the best gaming time ever IMHO

Like me and my m8 Doss said the other day, we feel we were born at the best time... its a great time tae be alive :P

No offence to you Genesis lovers, but the amiga had FAR better/fun games on it

Kids these days, dont know what they missed lol :D
Yep, I loved the Amiga so much I even bought a CDTV and a CD32+SX1 module thinking that this where the Amiga's (in disguise) that would go conquer the world. I even believed for a while that MultiMedia Entertainment Systems (CDTV, CDi) would be the next generation of entertainment!

Luckily this was 10 years ago. Now I know better(?). If only someone would have told Trip Hawkins :P
I think Kitsune, if your going to be so inflamatory, you should get the hell off the board and find a forum more equal to your mentality, rcx21000 is 11 years old, and you never catch him making comments like that.
There was a lot of cool stuff on the Amiga, and not just games either. Learning to use Dpaint, imagine and lightwave got me a job in the games industry, i'd like to see your megadrive do that.

rant ended.
Dont mean to annoy ne1 here... BUT I cannot understant how the Genesis is leading in the polls... I played a few Genesis/Mega Drive games and they were OK but I really didnt expect it in the lead .....

Road Rash was fun... but samey
Buck Rogers was good...
Herzhog Zwei ( I think that was the name ) ok as well...

Thats about all the games I enjoyed... ohh and Phantasy Star..

Most of the others were IMO not so great... :P
Dont mean to annoy ne1 here... BUT I cannot understant how the Genesis is leading in the polls... I played a few Genesis/Mega Drive games and they were OK but I really didnt expect it in the lead .....

Exactly what i thought, considering the majority (going by the other poll) of us are aged 25+ i was suprised to see that

Not that im saying the genesis was crap, but the Amiga had far FAR more and better games, last count my collection was 3000+ amiga games and i could easily name more classics there that id rather play than any Genesis game (prolly more than the genesis has fullstop :P)

So the genesis has the best Sonic game.... <shrugs> so whit, it aint that great compared to tons of amiga games IMHO :P

aint starting a fight (much :D ) just my opinion
If they also emulate the DSP chip we could have a portable Virtua Racing. Enough reason for me for a MegaDrive emulator.
I grew up with mostly sega systems, master system, mega drive, and now the dreamcast.

There are plenty of great games out for the genesis, and those games are more suited to the GP32 simply because while amiga games are great and all, without a keyboard, its rather difficult to get full enjoyment out of them. I like the atari ST emulator, but its very awkward to use.

The genesis would be plug and play. Plus, sifnt sonic 3 and knuckles =)
You'll never see Virtua Racing on the GP32 unless someone optimises the 32X emulator to buggery, which will never happen =)
The Megadrive is my most wanted by a long chalk, awesome machine.

Monk - If you're judging the Megadrive on games like Buck Rogers and Road Rash then you're bound to be unimpressed. Try Golden Axe, Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle, Shining in the Darkness, Shining Force 1 + 2, Langrisser/Warsong, Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Contra: Hard Corps, Alien Soldier, Hellfire, Zero Wing, Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure, Strider, Atomic RoboKid, Aero Blasters, Axis: Final Zone, Ghouls N Ghosts, Devil Crash, ESWAT, Revenge of Shinobi, Castlevania: Bloodlines/New Generation, Alien Storm and Wardner. These are just a handful of the games I love on the MD. Top machine and I really hope it becomes emulated on the GP32 one day.

On the subject of the Amiga, as several people have pointed out, someone who is only 17 years old simply cannot comment. The machine was MASSIVE (largely thanks to piracy, but there you go) and I remember wasting many hours away on it. Anyone below the age of 20 would have still been in nappies when the Amiga was strutting it's stuff, so keep your mouth closed next time you feel you have to comment on something that you know nothing about.

Kitsune - I thought it was too good to be true. Since I've been on this board I've been really impressed with how friendly everyone is, yet you manage to spoil it.
There's always one or two who enjoy getting people riled up. We have the weight of numbers here to show 'em what for though :D

It's actually quite fun :D

Better to think about what you're saying if you don't wanna be flamed into oblivion though :P