Craig's Doom port on JoyGP

true karma

Mar 24, 2003
The free games section of JoyGP has Craig's doom port for download, which is kind of cool, even though it was released a few days ago
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This port is fantastic, only just got a chance to try it this morning, tried all 3 version he says it handles and i cant believe how great it is over the GBA version (tho no suprises :D )

Cant wait to show my m8 who plays the GBA one this, he's gonna shit his pants lol :lol:
I never tried any previous versions, but in the latest release the framerate seems pretty close to perfect. Only played through the first 3 levels so far though :)
PRETTY CLOSE TO PERFECT?? The thing runs choppy as hell. Perfect would be 60fps, but in its current state it seems to run at 7 to 9 fps, tops.
I consider perfect to be 24 fps.. considering the human eye cant see anything higher 60fps is kinda wastefull.. Are you sure you tried the latest version ? If you're only getting 7 fps, something is probly wrong. Get it from joygp or, the ones linked here and on are old i think. Ive got it in front of me now, and while there is some slowdown when theres alot happening on screen, the framerate is, imho, pretty damn good. For more info check out THIS THREAD
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No, it's the new version. I can tell because it has sound. And it certainly doesn't run at anywhere near 24fps. And while the eye doesn't see any "faster", unless the video is synced to your eyes somehow, you *will* notice anything below 60fps.
Hrmm.. well, as I see it, theres 2 possibilities:
A ) You are using different wads, therefore different maps, therefore a lower a framerate
B ) With 'smoothness' being subjective, you're just harder to please than I am ... personally i have no problem with the framerate..

I admit though, that "close to perfect" is perhaps too generous.. "Very playable" is probably more accurate.. or maybe "Much better than the 486 I finished Doom on the first time" ... or "Shut up and go play some doom already" :P

who cares, its completely playable, theres nowt wrong with it in the state it is, ive played through 5 levels of the first Doom and not had any complaints (except the gamma)

if you dont like it, go play the GBA version and i promise you'll come running back quickstyle :P
It's great, I've not played the GBA version to check against, but for me the sheer size of the screen is a great thing. Even if the framerate is more like 15fps rather then 25fps.

Can you reduce the screen size?

Have to play it more at lunch... :(
you can reduce the screensize just like you could in doom, but i dont think it makes much difference to be honest :)
The GBA version of Doom is a bit faster that the GP32 version. The GP32 version should be able to get a bit more optimised, its pretty much all C from what I can see so far.

And whats the word on the midi music support? I heard that the GP32 is capable of it.
Hold up, hold shouldn't be choppy. I heard Craig say that it was running at 132 Mhz but could be taken down to 60 Mhz with no problems. Which would indicate that it is running natural speed.

- Rico
Swiss_Cheeseman posted on May 9 2003 said:
And whats the word on the midi music support? I heard that the GP32 is capable of it.
the manual says it is! ;)
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Rico posted on May 9 2003 said:
Hold up, hold shouldn't be choppy. I heard Craig say that it was running at 132 Mhz but could be taken down to 60 Mhz with no problems. Which would indicate that it is running natural speed.

- Rico
Care to link me to the version you downloaded, then?
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