Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Is Fun!

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
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I've had a muscle spasm in my left hand just under my pinky finger going on 3 days now. I also have reccuring random pains in my wrists and hands.

My job consists mainly of typing on keyboards, moving around a mouse or two and clicking on many, many icons.

Add to the mix, my fanatical addiction to video games ( gp32_console ) and voila! Repetitive Stress Disorder!

Anyone else have similar trouble? Any recommendations to relieve the discomfort?
I was kinda worried about this sort of thing not too long ago. I kept getting this sharp pain in my right wrist, and every so often when I relaxed my left arm would just randomly twitch.

It's gone away now though, so I can't really recommend anything personally. ;)
Try excercising ur arms and fingers, like lifting weghts or sumink, i play the guitar and bfor i did i used to have a similar complaint occasionaly but since ive been playin guitar alot its stopped coz my fingers are bein excercised, well thats the only thing i can presume neway!
My Mum had it and says that you should just go to the doctors and you'll probably have an op. Do it quick btw cos it gets worse.
My shoulder used to really really hurt and I couldnt move it alot. Happened a few years ago. I stopped playing games so much and it went; it came back for abit but has gone again; felt like extreme aching.
CTS is exactly what i've been suffering from for the last year or so. Is VERY nasty. starts out not too bad, but then you startt waking up in the middle of the night in agony.

I had it so bad at one point that I could hardly do anything. I spent about three weeks with my one wrist strapped up.

Best thing is to visit the doctor. They can prescribe anti-inflammatories. The ones that I was given are fantastic. They took a few weeks to work completely, but my hands are normal most of the time now, and I just go back on them for a bit if it develops again.

To ease the discomfort, use an ergonomic keyboard for a start. I bought a Microsoft Natural keyboard off ebay for £3 and it made a hell of a difference. Also, alternate the hand you use your mouse with.

In non-computer situations, just make sure you dont sress the wrist too much (yeah, yeah - I've had all the jokes already!).

One thing to make sure is that it definitely is CTS. If you get numbing and pain in your pinkie (hehe - such an american word that!) and the finger next to it, it's possible that it's something else. CTS happens when the Median nerve running through your wrist gets trapped and sqeezed when the lining of the carpal tunnel gets inflamed and swells. THis is what causes the pain and numbness. Lef untreated, it can eventually permanently damage the nerve, leaving you in chronic permanent pain. SO GET IT CHECKED OUT! Thing is, the median nerve only goes to the thumb andf th first two fingers, so if it's affectin all your fingers, it's less likely to be CTS.

Go see your doctor and find out.

Just ask if you need more info.
I've never had it, and don't really want it. I type in an unusual, relaxed way though, at an angle, so my wrists aren't bent all the time.
Swiss_Cheeseman posted on Apr 29 2004 at 04:01 PM said:
I've never had it, and don't really want it. I type in an unusual, relaxed way though, at an angle, so my wrists aren't bent all the time.
Wot sort of angle, cause i tend to slouch and my wrists and hands remain paralell with thr rest of my arms so i dont tend to bend my wrist much?
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