Vns Novels Update


YOUR AUSSIE GP32 GURU!!!!!!!!&#3
May 30, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
Well guy I havent split and stopped work on the novel :)

I'v been doing a few ALL nighters and have got about 72% of the novel for Paradise Height 2 done.

The novel A japanese love story will be updated when i finish the first novel (there both the same just need to take hentai out of the japanese love story version)

Just though id keep you guys up to date as a few people have been asking me :)

I spent 8 hours stright last night retyping the novel and taking screenshots so i'v moved from 40% to 72% well its around the 70% mark ;)

So just letting u guys know that the novels are being worked on when done it will keep you entertained for over 1 hour ^_^ which believe me takes alot fo time :P

so keep waiting and keep playin gp32_console

exactly how are you altering the hentai scenes? do you just remove them and have like a nice suggestive 1940's "fade to black" or do you just have them go "aww, I'm glad you're my friend" and flip instantly to the next day?

I have to admit I have had much time to work on my own as I keep getting hit with unrelated projects that need to be done "immediatly" as opposed to those that "can wait"... *sigh* My first story is only about 25% plotted and a second I have planned is still just in the hypothetical stages.
I replace it with your my friend or i love u but etc.

in the end u get 1 girl not like in the hentai novel u sleep with all then get 1 girl :P

so i change the story a bit for the people who dont want hentai novel :)

whats your story about?

Great to see people still working on VNS stories. I would love to read them when they are finished.

I realised building VNS stories is just a bit to much for most people. So to get people more involved I have started working on a more accessible project; a GP32 breakout clone with level editor. People can design there own backgound, background MOD, SFX, tiles and level layout. To keep it simple you don't have to redesign everything when making your own level. You can just change the level layout and use all standard graphics and SFX, or design you level and just change the background, etc.

Level layout will consist of a simple text file with letters/numbers representing bricks. Something like:

3 3 3 3

where 1 represents bricks that have to be hit once etc. Every level will be contained in it's own ZIP file.

This way if every GP32 community member designs one level we will get a real GP32 community game.

Any thoughts on this idea?
I included a windows based level editor with PerfectFit, allowing users to create their own level packs of upto 256 levels per pack. And although PerfectFit is a highly played game, no one has gotten arround to making any levels for it.

I have seen the very same with nearly everything that has level editors / designers included. So while level editors / designers sound like a nice idea, in my experiance they really dont get used very often, if at all.

Its a nice thought however, and feel free to give it a go, Arkanoid games are always fun to play.
Nin Nin- As per the poll I did a while back it'll be a scifi/mystery type story, finding clues that lead to (hopefully!) one of several endings depending on how you handle the clues, the second one I want to try I'll keep a secret for now only because i dont want to get too focused on that one especially withthe first so far from done.

VL - I like the idea! is it possible to get some power ups like arkanoid as well or would it just be a straight break out game? The only problem I see with it is how much you can do with break out blocks before you get bored. I mean maybe there could be mini level design contests to keep it interesting though...
Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 25 2004 at 07:30 AM said:
I included a windows based level editor with PerfectFit, allowing users to create their own level packs of upto 256 levels per pack. And although PerfectFit is a highly played game, no one has gotten arround to making any levels for it.

I have seen the very same with nearly everything that has level editors / designers included. So while level editors / designers sound like a nice idea, in my experiance they really dont get used very often, if at all.
Well, at least here they don't.

I've known other communities where they get used quite a bit, but those other communities also had fewer games and editors than this one, so my guess is that here most people are too busy playing everything new that comes out to use any of the editors.

When things start dying down, that may change...
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Well it also depends on the type of game, as Alpha2 said, "The only problem I see with it is how much you can do with break out blocks before you get bored."

Games like breakout do not require any strategy or much thinking at all, just fast reflexes and a good eye. So the levels could be fancy or plain and it wouldnt make a bit of difference. You could randomly generate the levels and no one would care. If you include atleast 30ish levels in the game by default (shouldnt take you but 30 mins to make) then I doubt anyone would actually want to create any more.
I have seen the very same with nearly everything that has level editors / designers included. So while level editors / designers sound like a nice idea, in my experiance they really dont get used very often, if at all.

In the back of my mind I know you're right. I even fall for this trap myself. For a long time I wanted Fighter Maker on the PS. Now i have it I haven't done a thing with it. I think the same goes for all the shoot-m-up contruction kits in the 90's. But since I like programming and dislike building content, writing programs that require user data (ToneDialer, VNS, GP32Girl) is the only way for me to ever release anything ;) BTW. I like the work you have done, although I don't use my GP32 that much.

@Alpha2: I still have a lot of old video game junk lying around (see this topic. So a level design contest might be a nice idea. If I can find enough junk maybe a VNS story contest will get people going?

Edit: Well that's what you get for taking hours to finish your post! This reply was to come after Akuma no Houkon's previous post ;)
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Ok what I would do, in your shoes, is create the game engine, create the level editor, and do what Alpha2 suggested and have a level creation contest. Then take all of the decent levels (not just the winners mind you), and order them by complexity, and release them with the game.

That way you dont have to design the content, and you get a community level based game, and you are not relying on people to use the editor.

Anyway, levels for breakout style games are really easy to make. Find patterns, shapes, etc... and duplicate them with bricks. There isnt much stratigical element that you have to worry about.
The contest thing is starting to sound like a good idea.

I actually choose a breakout clone because it doesn't involve any strategy. This way desiging levels doesn't require much thinking. Just think of your favorite band/game/car/theme/whatever, use pictures of it for backgounds, tiles and some sounds for SFX and layout the bricks (use them to spell the name of your band, car or even make a rude word with them, oohh...) and your done. I was hoping this simplicity would attract more people to desing at least one level.
VL- hey! I see the steering wheel but where's the colecovision!? J/K

I'm pretty close to that although I dont have any of the neogeo stuff or the system stands/cabinets, But even then I know you have a lot of goodies in there I dont have! :lol:

The things about a editor is you can do fun things with it if you have enough room to work with it. Like arkanoid has some cool looking levels some better than others, they seem to look better the more complexe they are... like if you could make a 32 x 32 game board as apposed to a 16x 16 or something just as a fer'instance.

I agree with Akuma on the content/contest, the only thing you'd have to do is judge the levels for dificulty and rank them accordingly in the game.

I know what you mean about Fighter maker, I had it for the PSone AND just recenty got the PS2 version, while its much better thanthe first its still hard to animate the moves as you want them to look, leading to frustration and the realization that frankly who's gonna care about your custom fighters but yourself unless you have a way to share them with others? maybe it's a nice way to get interested in 3d animation but I just kinda with the interface worked smoother.
VL- hey! I see the steering wheel but where's the colecovision!? J/K
It's in the room somewhere, together with the Super Action Controllers and the ATARI adapter. It's just that the pictures are a part of my collection, not my complete collection :P
hehe yeah I loved that old atari-colecovision adaptor, that was true cross platform gamming! I'd like to see PS3 have emmulation for xbox games, that'd be a riot!

Sony: Woah! look at that! it's even powerful enough to play our competition's games! :D

M$: HEY!! :o
The contest thing is starting to sound like a good idea.

I was gonna do a contest for VNS to make all thoese lazy ppl who complain they can't do anything and give them a chance to do something.

I have a chatboard i was gonna give away so that should get people making VNS games ;)

I am currently just in the tinkering stage with VNS and just working on very short programs for it so you'll see something at some point. I am a big fan of choose your own adventure style books and currently looking through ones I own to see if any would be viable.