Frequently Asked Questions

From Pyra Wiki
Revision as of 21:45, 23 March 2016 by Zeuss (talk | contribs) (reorganization)
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What to expect when opening Pyra for the first time

Help, I'm a Linux n00b!

What are the standards for navigating menus with the game buttons?

How do I connect to WiFi?

What software is available for the Pyra?

How do I install software?

How can I control volume via software?

What's this about screen tearing issues?

When will GPU be fully utilizable?

How can I customize my Pyra?

How can I change the theme?

How can I tweak the options for Pyra-specific hardware? (e.g. Keyboard, Nubs, Touchscreen, etc.)

Hardware questions

Why only 2GB? Why not 4GB RAM?

Why is there not a camera???

What's this about eSATA?