DBP file format

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Please note: we're not going to describe something as painful as the pxml file here :P

file structure

a .dbp files is composed of 2 concatenated files :

  1. a squashfs file
  2. an *uncompressed* zip

The squashfs part contain your application(s) and everything it might need to run.

The zip part contain the meta-data related to the DBP.

Sample session to build a dbp

Say you have a your application in a "rootfs" directory and a meta" directory containing the metadata.

$ ls
icons  meta  rootfs
$ mksquashfs rootfs target.squash -all-root -force-gid 0
Creating 4.0 filesystem on target.squash, block size 131072.
$ zip -r target.zip meta icons
  adding: meta/ (stored 0%)
$ cat target.squash target.zip > target.dbp

meta-data structure

the desktop file(s)

This file format is normed by the free-desktop community. The specs can be found here.

Desktop Entry

LABEL dbpd Repo Description Example
Name R R Name of the app Name=dosbox
Comment N O Description of the app Comment=A DOS emulator
Version N O Version of the app Version=0.74+svn20200103
Type N O Type of app Type=Application
Categories N O Categories Categories=Game;Emulator
Exec R N The binary in the squashfs part to start Exec=dosbox
Icon O O The icon in the "icons" directory (expect .png) Icon=dosbox.png
Terminal N N Is this a terminal apps ? Terminal=false

Package Entry

LABEL dbpd Repo Description Example
Id R R Uniq identifier for the dbp file. Id=dosbox
Name R R Name of the package Name=DOSbox
Icon N O Icon of the package (found in the "icons" directory) Icon=dosbox.png
Version N O Version of the package Version=0.74+svn20200103
Arch O O Binary architecture of that package Arch=armhf
Exec R N TODO Exec=bin/dosbox;dosbox.launch


letter meaning
R Required
O Optionnal
N Not used