Hi, I have fixed some issues with our Letux Kernel and now for the first time we have a self-compiled system for the RasPi 3B+ where you can build SD images through makesd.
Kernel is now a letux-4.19.14-raspi [1] where CONFIGs are (almost) the same as for all other platforms. Just some special differences for CONFIG_CMDLINE.
What is working now is Ethernet, HDMI and USB. So it can already be used in Desktop PC mode. Not yet working are Bluetooth and WLAN [2]. Untested is Audio.
So what can you do?
Install (after "makesd -u") either:
xfce4: makesd raspi3b+ -r xfce lxde: makesd raspi3b+ qtmoko: makesd raspi3b+ -r qtmoko pyraos: makesd raspi3b+ -r pyraos quantumstep: makesd raspi3b+ -r quantumstep phosh: makesd raspi3b+ -r phosh
And then test :)
I haven't tested much and all of them, but that is usual at the initial stages of a new project where it has to be made fundamentally working first... Kernel was the biggest challenge.
Next, you could help to iron out the rough edges and think about interesting future use cases of LetuxOS.
What about QtMoko for the ZeroPhone? Well, it uses a PiZero and not RasPi3B+ but why not adapt things as needed? The foundation is here now.
And finally make use of it! Tell others about this project. Having many interested people is the only way to keep it alive in the long run.
BR and happy testing, Nikolaus
[1]: http://download.goldelico.com/letux-kernel/letux-4.19.14-raspi/ [2]: kernel log says: [ 13.929310] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: failed to write update baudrate (-110) [ 13.936116] Bluetooth: hci0: Failed to set baudrate [ 16.009287] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c03 tx timeout and there is no sign of an SDIO device for WLAN.