Hi, for years we had a "gta04-" in the repo names, (e.g. gta04-kernel.git, gta04-makesd.git) which always gave the false impression this is work for GTA04 hardware only and nothing else.
But for a long time it also provides support for BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, Pocket Beagle, Pandaboard, OMAP5UEVM, OpenPandora, Pyra and recently even the Udoo neo.
Basically Letux OS wants to support a multitude of devices in an equally useable state so that you can copy/swap root file systems between them.
This means that the work always should keep in mind to reduce visibility of hardware differences from the user-space and ideally even from the kernel.
But by focussing on "gta04-" names, this goal is quite hidden instead of being the headline.
Therefore the git repo names are now duplicated with a letux- prefix and the gta04- prefix is deprecated. The gta04- prefix will not be removed immediately but a some time in the future.
For all projects see:
So please change your git remotes ("git remote remove" + "git remote add" or "git remote set-url") to point to the new repo names.
BR and thanks, Nikolaus