Am 17.11.2016 um 02:25 schrieb Julius Bünger buenger@mytum.de:
Hi all,
sorry for the late announcement:
We got rooms and WiFi at the TU Munich.
This is great news! Thanks for organizing the rooms!
Now we only have to fill the agenda.
Well, agenda is probably the wrong word, since it is not a conference with papers, program committees, schedule etc.
Rather the idea is to have a hacking weekend where people from our community/communities can meet in person and bring forward some topics by working together. "Birds of a feather"...
Here some ideas from me what we could do (provided we have the right participants):
* Replicant6 for GTA04 * hands-on for Pyra hardware * GTA04/Pandora mainline kernel improvements (camera, power management, GPU) * Pyra kernel and PyraOS improvements (e.g. GPU) * QtMoko2 * (premature) spring-cleaning of the tinkerphones.org home page
But I am sure our community has many more projects which can be accelerated by such a weekend meeting.
Let's discuss. And meet in Garching!
For details: http://www.ohsw.de/ http://www.ohsw.org/
BR, Nikolaus
The rooms are in the Mathematics and Computer Science building in Garching (near Munich): 00.08.059 https://portal.mytum.de/campus/roomfinder/search_room_results?searchstring=0... and 00.08.055 https://portal.mytum.de/campus/roomfinder/search_room_results?searchstring=0... When you have further questions on how to come there, feel free to ask!
You will probably have to ring the bell at the door and tell the porter where you want to go (OHSW - Open Hard und/and Software Workshop). They should be informed.
Information about the WiFi: http://www.lrz.de/services/netz/wlan/mwn-events/ A short howto (german): https://wlan.lrz.de/conferences/howto/ohsw/hH3Zx0Nz and english version: https://wlan.lrz.de/conferences/howto-en/ohsw/hH3Zx0Nz
The SSID will be `mwn-events', the username `ohsw' and the password `hH3Zx0Nz'.
Best regards, julius
On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 18:37:28 +0200, Lukas Maerdian wrote:
Hi folks!
Looking at the Doodle [1], the best choice for this year's "Tinkerphones Open Hard- and Software Workshop" (OHSW) [2] seems to be 9.12. - 11.12.2016. So we fixed that date for the workshop.
There will be a pre-meeting/get-together on Friday evening, 9.12. - 19:00, where everybody can get to know the other participants. The main event will take place on 10.12. & 11.12.2016 in Munich.
Further information about the concrete location and the agenda are to be announced soon!
Please register yourself [1] if you'd like to join OHSW'16 - it's free! And submit your proposals if you'd like to present a specific topic.
Best regards, Lukas
[1] http://doodle.com/poll/nspi5fhr3gwef425 [2] http://www.ohsw.de
http://www.ohsw.de/ Open-hard-software-event mailing list Open-hard-software-event@goldelico.com http://lists.goldelico.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/open-hard-software-event
I prefer to communicate via GPG-encrypted email. Key: D4E5F972B413F3B3 Keyserver: pgp.mit.edu
http://www.ohsw.de/ Open-hard-software-event mailing list Open-hard-software-event@goldelico.com http://lists.goldelico.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/open-hard-software-event