Am 13.02.2017 um 22:51 schrieb aTc atc@k-n-p.org:
the 2016.11 u-boot board detections sets fdtfile to "omap5-letux-cortex15-v5.0+pyra-v4.9.dtb" on my board, is this actually the right version for this board ?
I think you received your prototypes a while ago. Therefore it should be right. I am not sure if I still have this combination which means we have to add another .dts for it to mix the right CPU and Mainboard versions.
Here's a picture of the thing : http://wreck.k-n-p.org/py-2.jpeg http://wreck.k-n-p.org/py-4.jpeg
Yes, the CPU board indeed seems to be V5.0.
Let me check tomorrow.
BR and thanks, Nikolaus