On 2/3/20 8:58 AM, H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
hmm, that pyra_defconfig contains: CONFIG_ARCH_BCM CONFIG_ARCH_MXC
so it is something generic.
I think this is by accident and not intended.
Yes, it certainly needs review and updates to become "Pyra only".
Basically we have conflicting goals:
- letux_defconfig is a Distro config (of same processor architecture) which should cover many devices as good as possible but is suboptimal
- pyra_defconfig is a Device config which should be optimal for one specific device and not cover any other
- omap2plus_defconfig is a SoC config which should cover all omap based devices as good as possible but is suboptimal
That pyra_defconfig (if that's the one that came from https://packages.pyra-handheld.com/images/extra/linux-4.19-pyra-debian.confi...) isn't meant to be THE pyra defconfig, it's an experimental merge of the letux config and the config debian uses, to get everything enabled that debian expects to be enabled. The letux config is very stripped down, to the point where things like net filtering is also disabled, and the firewall packages I installed in the os didn't work. Since it's based on the generic arm kernel config, it includes all the arm boards debian supports. I think i did filter out a few, but there are probably some left, or ones that get enabled again after a certain driver is enabled. I simply compared the two configs, and enabled everything that was disabled in letux.