On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 5:44 AM Michael Mrozek EvilDragon@openpandora.org wrote:
On Fr, 2018-10-12 at 06:15 -0700, Tony Lindgren wrote:
Would it increase power consumption a lot or probably not really noticeable?
It will increase the idle power consumption quite a bit AFAIK, this is a sign of something being broken for sure.
Okay, I now measured the power consumption and compared a 4GB unit with Self-Refresh disabled, the same unit with Self-Refresh enabled and a 2GB RAM unit (old mainboard and old CPU board).
And... well, either Idle / Self-Refresh is not working properly or there isn't really a difference yet.
How are you disabling self-refresh? Note that my patches aren't disabling it yet, I just asked if we should do it. You also have to blank the screen, otherwise DSS is constantly reading the framebuffer (which sits in RAM) to display it.