On Mo, 2018-10-15 at 11:37 +0200, H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
I now wanted to check the lid switch with evtest.
evtest shows the following devices on our OS:
/dev/input/event0: user-button /dev/input/event1: pyra-gpio-keys@1 /dev/input/event2: pyra-gpio-keys@2 /dev/input/event3: palmas_pwron /dev/input/event4: tca8418 /dev/input/event5: TSC2007 Touchscreen /dev/input/event6: nub0 /dev/input/event7: nub1 /dev/input/event8: accelerometer-iio-input-bridge /dev/input/event9: twl6040:vibrator /dev/input/event10: pyraInput keyboard /dev/input/event11: pyraInput Gamepad /dev/input/event12: pyraInput Mouse
Which one do I use for the lid switch?
- lid switch isn't working (old unit too)
Okay, this is something we need to check. Have you tried triggering the lid switch with the lid magnet or with an external one?
Just closing the lid. I don't have any magnets handy for testing.
It could be the magnet in the lid is too weak - but I had no idea how I could test the lid switch, so couldn't check that.
You can use evtest, pyra_test_inputs should also support it.
I tested with evtest.