On 04/04/2017 09:30 PM, H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
I found a minute to start flashing a new SD card [1] and another one to run through the setup assistant. Keyboard works now.
Here some experience:
- font is really small
- keyboard works
- I could register a user+password, choose timezone (well Munich is not included but that is Debian), and ssh firewall
- then it said "done"
- the enter key appears non-responsive for the "done" but touch was
- what was not clear to me is that this triggers a reboot starting to turn everything off - user could be warned in the "Done" window.
- reboot runs the kernel into "clock: dpll_abe_ck failed transition to 'locked'" bug so it does not properly reboot
- therefore I forced shutdown and rebooted
- it was quite unexpected that the vibramotor did rumble for a second :)
- but the PyOS desktop came alive
- one observation is that the modem power driver starts the modem by default. This is because rfkill wwan isn't soft-blocked initially. It should also be blocked on poweroff since the modem is powered independently of the OMAP (to allow for deep shutdown). I have the same and added some initd script to "rfkill block wwan" on poweroff.
So my impression is very good. We are almost there with the setup-assistant (even when mixing my kernel with your rootfs).
I uploaded a new image a few days ago, (to the same place : http://packages.pyra-handheld.com/images/stretch/pyra-debian-stretch-mate.ta... ) which fixes a few issues.
The first-run-wizard (setup-assistant), is just a temporary hack copied mostly from the pandora. It will (should) be completely replaced by a real gui setup program, once we find someone with time to write it.
A proper xkb keymap for the keyboard is also beeing worked on.
You have to manually load the "xmodmap .Xmodmap" when logged into the mate desktop. Lightdm should be loading any .Xmodmap automatically, but fails for some reason. xmodmap isn't the right solution for it anyway.
Matt posted a mail here about the abe pll lockup last week.