Am 14.02.2017 um 09:37 schrieb H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi aTc,
Am 13.02.2017 um 22:58 schrieb H. Nikolaus Schaller
Am 13.02.2017 um 22:51 schrieb aTc
the 2016.11 u-boot board detections sets fdtfile to "omap5-letux-cortex15-v5.0+pyra-v4.9.dtb" on my board, is this actually the right version for this board ?
I think you received your prototypes a while ago. Therefore it should be right. I am not sure if I still have this combination which means we have to add another .dts for it to mix the right CPU and Mainboard versions.
Here's a picture of the thing :
Yes, the CPU board indeed seems to be V5.0.
Let me check tomorrow.
I have verified and both of your boards should be V5.0. Version detection software is also correct, but what is wrong is the version encoding resistor R1901.
It is 10k but the pull-up of the OMAP5 is much stronger than on the OMAP5 so that if the omap5 pulls up we will always see a "1" - independently of the resistor being installed or not. This has been fixed in the V5.1 boards by making the pull-down resistors 1k.
One solution would be to replace R1901, but IMHO the easier thing would be to add
which would include omap5-letux-cortex15-v5.0+pyra-v5.0.dts to work around this bad version detection. This is not a real problem since AFAIR only 2 or 3 real V4.9 boards did exist and none combined with a V5.0 CPU board.
Or you can simply rename/duplicate the .dtb
We could also do a workaround in u-boot but I am not sure if we should do that because u-boot is doing what it can.
The more I think about this, it appears to be that a workaround in u-boot is the better way. Because then the .dtb file matches the version numbers that are printed on the PCBs.
BR, Nikolaus