Am 01.02.2017 um 22:55 schrieb Matthijs van Duin
On 1 February 2017 at 20:48, H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote: Since I use the xorg-video-omap driver the best thing seems to be to try the patch. And if I understand the recommendations correctly, then xrandr should be able to rotate or who else is controlling the DRM api?
if you're using xorg-video-omap then you can already use xrandr to rotate the screen. This even worked before my patches, except it was very slow.
Really? Last time I tried (maybe 1-2 years ago) it was rejected as not implemented. Maybe it depends on the panel driver to support rotation.
Now I have tested with running
xrandr --output HDMI-1 --auto --rotate left
which did rotate the HDMI out :)
And for LCD I was able to rotate as well:
xrandr --output Unknown16-1 --auto --rotate right
Operation appears to be fast, but I have not done any speed test. So I don't know if the Tiler is running at all or how this rotation works.
One issue is that the LXDE desktop does not know about rotation and the toolbar line is rotated off-screen...
Probably I should run xrandr for LCD rotation before starting X, but X is needed to run xrandr :(
Is there a command line tool to achieve the same without X so that it can configure rotation before X is started?
BR and thanks, Nikolaus