Caanoo / WIZ Howto For Opengl-es 1.1 Lite On The Wiz


Mega GP Mania
To keep the forums flooded with the opengl questions im starting this thread about it. Im not an opengl expert by any means but I can probably get someone who at least started with wiz's opengl method.

1. You need the opengl es library called, this should do in /lib. The rar on the archive has a installer script to do so.

2. The has function calls that need to be defined by the application or another library. I created a library to do this and called it There source floating around in a file called port.cpp which has all of the functions. You can find this in the opengl es demos archive. You can also get the prebuilt shared library built by me in the latest glquake beta. (it also has nanogl shared lib too if you want that)

3. Initializing Opengl-es

global variables (use attrib_list_fsaa for fsaa)
EGLDisplay glDisplay;
EGLConfig glConfig;
EGLContext glContext;
EGLSurface glSurface;

NativeWindowType hNativeWnd = 0;

const char *gl_vendor;
const char *gl_renderer;
const char *gl_version;
const char *gl_extensions;

EGLint attrib_list_fsaa[] =

EGLint attrib_list[] =

Start egl and get the surface (take notice OS_CreateWindow(), this is in libwizGLES)
EGLint numConfigs;
EGLint majorVersion;
EGLint minorVersion;

// Create native window.
printf( "VID_Init: Creating the window\n" );
hNativeWnd = OS_CreateWindow();
printf( "VID_Init: OS_CreateWindow Failed\n" );

glDisplay = eglGetDisplay( (NativeDisplayType)0 );
if( glDisplay == EGL_NO_DISPLAY )
printf( "GL No Display failed\n" );

if( !eglInitialize( glDisplay, &majorVersion, &minorVersion ) )
printf( "GL Init failed\n" );
if( !eglChooseConfig( glDisplay, attrib_list, &glConfig, 1, &numConfigs ) )
printf( "GL Config failed\n" );
glContext = eglCreateContext( glDisplay, glConfig, NULL, NULL );
if( glContext==0 )
printf( "GL Context failed\n" );
glSurface = eglCreateWindowSurface( glDisplay, glConfig, hNativeWnd, NULL );
if( glSurface==0 )
printf( "GL Surface failed\n" );
printf( "EGL Init Completed\n" );

eglMakeCurrent( glDisplay, glSurface, glSurface, glContext );

gl_vendor = (const char*)glGetString (GL_VENDOR);
printf("GL_VENDOR: %s\n", gl_vendor);
gl_renderer = (const char*)glGetString (GL_RENDERER);
printf("GL_RENDERER: %s\n", gl_renderer);

gl_version = (const char*)glGetString (GL_VERSION);
printf("GL_VERSION: %s\n", gl_version);
gl_extensions = (const char*)glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS);
printf("GL_EXTENSIONS: %s\n", gl_extensions);

Flip the framebuffer

Thats basically it. Ive also put up the only spec that GPH has leaked.
Everything else is opengles, this should be all for the wiz specifics. I hope its of use.
Wow thanks, this is what i need :). Only two thing: which files I've to include? And how I have to modify my makefile?(what libraries I've to link?)
EDIT: Can you upload an example project using libcastor and openGL ES?
EDIT2: If i try to compile i get these errors:
In file included from source/main.cpp:19:
/home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/wizGLES.h:30: error: '___OAL_MEMORY_INFORMATION__' was not declared in this scope
/home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/wizGLES.h:30: error: 'pMemoryInfomation' was not declared in this scope
/home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/wizGLES.h:30: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
/home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/wizGLES.h:30: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression

Probably I'm making some errors...
EDIT: Can you upload an example project using libcastor and openGL ES?
EDIT2: If i try to compile i get these errors:
In file included from source/main.cpp:19:
/home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/wizGLES.h:30: error: '___OAL_MEMORY_INFORMATION__' was not declared in this scope
/home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/wizGLES.h:30: error: 'pMemoryInfomation' was not declared in this scope
/home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/wizGLES.h:30: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
/home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/wizGLES.h:30: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression

Probably I'm making some errors...
I put up the source to nanoGL and wizGLES
It should have the headers your missing (look in the linux folder of the wizGLES project)

Just so your clear libcastor has nothing to do with opengles
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Do you have a donation site available, Pickle? I can't use my gift card on Paypal, but if there is another way to donate to you, then I will if you remake PicoDrive so there is no tearing. :D
chickendung posted on May 22 2009 at 01:48 PM said:
Do you have a donation site available, Pickle? I can't use my gift card on Paypal, but if there is another way to donate to you, then I will if you remake PicoDrive so there is no tearing. :D
Ive actually never taken donations for anything ive done. I one point gave my reasoning, it basically comes down to the fact that I use a lot of software from other devs at no cost. Although getting the hw for free is a very nice gesture and i think most devs feel this way.
The tear issue is across the board, its in eveything, even glquake. Im also not touching picodrive notaz handles that.

Can we please use this thread for wiz opengl es discussion?
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hi Pickle, I got the program compiling, but it doesn't work, maybe i've missed something.
This is my project, can you take a look at the code?

I compiled the example code for OpenGL ES successful, but when I start it on the Wiz, I only see an hourglass with the text "loading..." forever. What's wrong?

Here's the source code:

I compiled it like this:

arm-openwiz-linux-gnu-g++ -I. -lwizGLES -L. main.cpp -lnanoGL -ldl -o opengl_test.gpe
Aurelio: take nanogl out of it, link to the directly
Jan-Nik: that program does nothing..., you init opengles and then quit.
Hi, now it works, but it doesn't show anthing...
This is my code
#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <fstream>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
extern "C" {
#include <castor.h>
#include <castor_extra.h>
#include "draw.h"
#include <GLES/libogl.h>
#include "GL/nanogl.h"

#include "GL/gl.h"

#include "GL/egl.h"
#include "GL/glesinterface.h"
using namespace std;

typedef struct {

uint16_t pressure;

uint16_t x;

uint16_t y;

uint16_t pad;

struct timeval stamp;


struct Stylus{

int x, y, pressure, calibX, calibY, NewPress, Held, Released;


void CalibTouch(){

int fd = open( "/dev/touchscreen/wm97xx", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY );

TS_EVENT ts_event;


read(fd, &ts_event, sizeof(TS_EVENT));


Stylus.calibX = ((ts_event.x-200)*320/3750)/4;

Stylus.calibY = (((ts_event.y-200)*240/3750))/4;

Stylus.x = 160;

Stylus.y = 120;



void UpdateStylus(){

int fd = open( "/dev/touchscreen/wm97xx", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY );

TS_EVENT ts_event;

read(fd, &ts_event, sizeof(TS_EVENT));

Stylus.NewPress = 0;


Stylus.x = ((ts_event.x-200)*320/3750)-Stylus.calibX;

Stylus.y = (240 - ((ts_event.y-200)*240/3750))-Stylus.calibY;


Stylus.NewPress = 1;

Stylus.Held = 1;



Stylus.Held = 0;


Stylus.pressure = ts_event.pressure;



EGLDisplay glDisplay;
EGLConfig glConfig;
EGLContext glContext;
EGLSurface glSurface;

NativeWindowType hNativeWnd = 0;

const char *gl_vendor;
const char *gl_renderer;
const char *gl_version;
const char *gl_extensions;

EGLint attrib_list_fsaa[] =

EGLint attrib_list[] =

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if(lc_init() < 0) {
printf("Could not start libcastor\n");
return 1;
EGLint numConfigs;
EGLint majorVersion;
EGLint minorVersion;

// Create native window.
printf( "VID_Init: Creating the window\n" );
hNativeWnd = OS_CreateWindow();
printf( "VID_Init: OS_CreateWindow Failed\n" );

glDisplay = eglGetDisplay( (NativeDisplayType)0 );
if( glDisplay == EGL_NO_DISPLAY )
printf( "GL No Display failed\n" );

if( !eglInitialize( glDisplay, &majorVersion, &minorVersion ) )
printf( "GL Init failed\n" );
if( !eglChooseConfig( glDisplay, attrib_list, &glConfig, 1, &numConfigs ) )
printf( "GL Config failed\n" );
glContext = eglCreateContext( glDisplay, glConfig, NULL, NULL );
if( glContext==0 )
printf( "GL Context failed\n" );
glSurface = eglCreateWindowSurface( glDisplay, glConfig, hNativeWnd, NULL );
if( glSurface==0 )
printf( "GL Surface failed\n" );
printf( "EGL Init Completed\n" );

eglMakeCurrent( glDisplay, glSurface, glSurface, glContext );

gl_vendor = (const char*)glGetString (GL_VENDOR);
printf("GL_VENDOR: %s\n", gl_vendor);
gl_renderer = (const char*)glGetString (GL_RENDERER);
printf("GL_RENDERER: %s\n", gl_renderer);

gl_version = (const char*)glGetString (GL_VERSION);
printf("GL_VERSION: %s\n", gl_version);
gl_extensions = (const char*)glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS);
printf("GL_EXTENSIONS: %s\n", gl_extensions);

glViewport(0, 0, 319, 239);
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // Select The Projection Matrix
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Projection Matrix

// Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
glOrtho(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glClearDepth(1.0f); // Depth Buffer Setup
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enables Depth Testing
bool run = 1;
while(run) {
x = Stylus.x;
y = Stylus.y;
lc_fb1[x+y*320] = ARGB16(1, 31, 31, 31);
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); // Drawing Using Triangles
glVertex3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Top
glVertex3f(-1.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f); // Bottom Left
glVertex3f( 1.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f); // Bottom Right

if(lc_getbuttons() & BTN_MENU) {
run = 0;


execl("/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu", "/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu", NULL);
return 0;

and this is my makefile:
OPEN2X = /home/aurelio/devkitwiz/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu
HOST = arm-openwiz-linux-gnu

CC = $(OPEN2X)/bin/$(HOST)-gcc
CXX = $(OPEN2X)/bin/$(HOST)-g++

TARGET := $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
SOURCES := source

LIBS := -lcastor -lcastor_extra -lpng -lz -lwizGLES -lnanoGL -ldl


CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))

$(CXX) $(SOURCES)/*.cpp -L$(LIBDIRS)/lib -I$(LIBDIRS)/include $(LIBS) -o $(TARGET).gpe

rm -f *.gpe

What is wrong?
Can someone post the console (as in text terminal) output of the example of the tutorial? I'd like to know what are the values of gl_vendor, gl_renderer, gl_version and gl_extensions :)
Does anyone feel like writing a small benchmark? Just something which figures out how many rotated and blended 16x16 sprites can be rendered before it drops below 60fps.

It will probably take 3 weeks till my Wiz arrives and I would really like getting some rule of thumb figure before that. E.g. such a benchmark with 2x2 sprites would outline the general geometry overhead, 16x16 the fillrate/geometry budget for common game scenarios, and 64x64 is basically just about fillrate.

Right now I don't even have a clue what kind of performance I can expect.
aho posted on May 24 2009 at 03:27 PM said:
Does anyone feel like writing a small benchmark? Just something which figures out how many rotated and blended 16x16 sprites can be rendered before it drops below 60fps.

It will probably take 3 weeks till my Wiz arrives and I would really like getting some rule of thumb figure before that. E.g. such a benchmark with 2x2 sprites would outline the general geometry overhead, 16x16 the fillrate/geometry budget for common game scenarios, and 64x64 is basically just about fillrate.

Right now I don't even have a clue what kind of performance I can expect.
quake 1 get a little over 20 fps

Aurelio: I would get rid of libcastor too, it actually sets the screen in the init portion, it want it only for controls you can use gpio just like we have done for the gp2x
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Pickle posted on May 24 2009 at 07:31 PM said:
Jan-Nik: that program does nothing..., you init opengles and then quit.
Yes, but even that doesn't seem to work. It gets stuck in this strange loading screen from GPH.
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Pickle posted on May 24 2009 at 09:12 PM said:
quake 1 get a little over 20 fps
That doesn't actually tell me much about the graphics throughput since the bottleneck is probably elsewhere. That's why I'd like to see a simple graphics centered benchmark.
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I success to compile the wizGLES lib but there are the problem when linking.

/home/sunya/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/bin/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu-g++ main.cpp -I/home/sunya/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include -L/home/sunya/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/lib -lopengles_lite -lwizGLES -o gltest.gpe
/home/sunya/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/4.2.4/../../../../arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/bin/ld: ERROR: /home/sunya/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/lib/ uses VFP instructions, whereas gltest.gpe does not
/home/sunya/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/4.2.4/../../../../arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/bin/ld: failed to merge target specific data of file /home/sunya/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/lib/
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [gltest] Error 1

I think my "" have something differrent. This is my Makefile.
OPEN2X = /home/sunya/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu
HOST = arm-openwiz-linux-gnu

CC = $(OPEN2X)/bin/$(HOST)-gcc
CXX = $(OPEN2X)/bin/$(HOST)-g++
AR = $(OPEN2X)/bin/$(HOST)-ar
RANLIB = $(OPEN2X)/bin/$(HOST)-ranlib
INCLUDE = $(OPEN2X)/include
LIBS = $(OPEN2X)/lib
#OPTS = -mcpu=arm926ej-s -mtune=arm926ej-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp

all: gltest

$(CXX) main.cpp $(OPTS) -I$(INCLUDE) -L$(LIBS) -lopengles_lite -lwizGLES -o gltest.gpe

rm -f *.o
rm -rf lib*

I tried to enable the VFP option in OPTS but no luck.
Pickle posted on May 24 2009 at 09:12 PM said:
aho posted on May 24 2009 at 03:27 PM said:
Does anyone feel like writing a small benchmark? Just something which figures out how many rotated and blended 16x16 sprites can be rendered before it drops below 60fps.
It will probably take 3 weeks till my Wiz arrives and I would really like getting some rule of thumb figure before that. E.g. such a benchmark with 2x2 sprites would outline the general geometry overhead, 16x16 the fillrate/geometry budget for common game scenarios, and 64x64 is basically just about fillrate.

Right now I don't even have a clue what kind of performance I can expect.
quake 1 get a little over 20 fps

Aurelio: I would get rid of libcastor too, it actually sets the screen in the init portion, it want it only for controls you can use gpio just like we have done for the gp2x

So how I have to set the screen?Which layer I have to use?
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Jan-Nik posted on May 24 2009 at 05:38 PM said:
I compiled the example code for OpenGL ES successful, but when I start it on the Wiz, I only see an hourglass with the text "loading..." forever. What's wrong?

Here's the source code:

I compiled it like this:

arm-openwiz-linux-gnu-g++ -I. -lwizGLES -L. main.cpp -lnanoGL -ldl -o opengl_test.gpe

I tried to locate the error and it seems that eglGetDisplay causes a segmentation fault. How can I fix it?
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I think any opengles lib from GPH that gives VFP errors was a very old version. Did you get the lib from the wiz archive?