Yeah I Currently using the 4.70 letux kernel on the EVM.

On Jul 30, 2016 7:07 PM, "Michael Mrozek" <> wrote:

> > Another thing I'd like to remind here:
> > 1,5GHz work fine (even with full load) with the EVM and the iGEPV5
> > board.
> I haven't tested the Letux kernel on the EVM for a while, but I
> should do that as well.

As far as I know, PyraOS is using your kernel, so anyone in IRC using
the EVM is using that kernel without any issues.
(and they compile on that and do x86-emulation at 1,5GHz, so they
really make use of that CPU).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Michael Mrozek

OpenPandora GmbH
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