triggered by the proposal and discussions on the forum to add a combined SIM/SD-Reader for another internal Micro-SD card (which I find a nice idea):


I have checked the mechanical fit - and there is no problem to add such a piece.

For the electrical/logical interface, I have analysed all the TRMs and data sheets for understanding the limitations of the SDIO controllers of the OMAP5 [2].

We have no problems running one internal eMMC, one bootable high-speed SD slot, a second non-bootable standard speed SD slot and WLAN.

But we have a problem to interface a third Micro-SD slot because the SDIO5 port is n/a on the 5432 chip.

Options to solve this are
* replace the eMMC by the Micro-SD (which will have a much lower speed limit!)
* interface WLAN though SPI (is not optimal for 802.11n) and use the SDIO3 port
* interface WLAN through (internal) HS-USB (likely to draw more power and needs different chipset/module) and use the SDIO3 port
* interface the Micro-SD slot (or even the second full speed) slot though USB (needs a probably power hungry SD-USB controller chip like [1])

In any case only the master SD slot is bootable and not the Micro-SD slot (even if connected through USB because the Boot ROM can't handle USB memory for booting).


[1]: http://www.genesyslogic.com/jp/product_view.php?show=46