Am 09.03.2017 um 22:45 schrieb Matthijs van Duin <>:

On 9 March 2017 at 16:26, H. Nikolaus Schaller <> wrote:
Hm. It works if I use xrandr after starting X11 but not with xorg.conf.

I wouldn't be surprised if LXDE simply applied its own xrandr settings, thus undoing the rotation you set in xorg.conf.

Ah, that is something I will try to find out. E.g. by starting X w/o LXDE and running xterm.

What I can't tell is if xrandr activates the TILER or not.

If you're using xorg-video-omap then yes, it is using TILER.


AFAIR fbdev drivers are deprecated. And TILER uses DRM and that should
be independent of fbdev. Or not?

Correct, but since PyraOS was/is still heavily leaning on fbdev I prioritized getting the fbdev rotated for the GamesCon demo. Part of the reason is that xorg-video-omap was slower than xorg-video-modesetting, which itself was slower than xorg-video-fbturbo. These differences are afaik unrelated to DRM vs fbdev and purely depend on the software rendering implementation, with fbturbo taking explicit care to keep the high latency of framebuffer access in mind and e.g. use large Neon reads whenever it has to read from the framebuffer.

Ok, I see. Maybe my user space is exceptional because it uses plain xorg-video-omap. The reason is that other drivers made problems on other devices.

BR and thanks,