I'm not sure how to set that up.
We've got a datasheet for the RAM, a calculator toolsheet from TI and then it spits out Hex values you use in your Bootloader to setup the RAM.
For most of them, there's not really a max or min - but that also includes the value we have changed, so there are possible ways to tweak the stuff.

I have some hex values which are different from what the datasheet spits out - I've asked about them here a couple of days ago.
Tony is probably our best guess to know about that, so I'm hoping he can help out a bit more.

I do wonder though if we can dump the values of the running RAM somehow, so we can make sure they are what they should be.

This would be especially helpful with some of the config settings. If hardware levelling is switched off, for example, then it would be a miracle if the RAM works fine...

On 26 September 2018 10:49:07 CEST, Mr C Camacho <chriscamacho@virginmedia.com> wrote:
On 26/09/2018 04:57, Michael Mrozek wrote:
2. The maxed out value seem to make the unit freeze a lot more often.
what happens when you try the most conservative settings possible?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Greetings,

Michael Mrozek
OpenPandora GmbH
Geschäftsführer / CEO: Michael Mrozek

Schäffbräustr. 11
85049 Ingolstadt
Deutschland / Germany
Tel.: +49 841 / 990 5548
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eMail: mrozek@openpandora.org