Am 09.07.2014 um 12:18 schrieb Michael Mrozek <>:

Using GitHub as another mirror would be a good idea.
Right now, GIT and GitWeb is already setup on the server, but having a bugtracker that is linked to a project and where you can i.e. commit to the GIT and link a "fixed issue with this commit" in the bugtracker, that would be great.

So just having a GIT and bugtracker running beside each other is not as good as having a complete system all-in-one.

Additionally, managing groups and users is not really comfortable with just using GIT.

Please take a look at Indefero. It does exactly what is missing: managing users, git/svn/mercurial repos, issues, wiki, downloads - and that for multiple (sub)projects.
It even has its own „GitWeb“ like interface to the sources of a project - but that is too slow to be useable for big trees like the kernel.

But it might not be the most modern and future-proof choice (importing issues etc. to a different system is almost impossible).

On July 9, 2014 11:25:04 AM CEST, "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller" <> wrote:

Am 09.07.2014 um 11:06 schrieb John Willis:

Hi All,

Michael. Does it have to be hosted on your server? A lot of projects use Github/Gitorious/Bitbucket as their official repository. They provide the infrastructure for access. For example, on Gitorious you define teams,
and when a project is owned by a team, team members can push to the repository.

Just to add my 2 pence to the discussion. GitHub, Gitorious etc. would be ideal and I am sure most of us use them in some capacity if it was not for one caveat.

Well, I personally don't like Gitorius because I never know where I am and what is a branch and how to navigate. So I'd prefer GitHub.

Most of the major code hosting platforms have been rather copyright takedown heavy of late, especially for a number of kernel projects for matters as simple as headers from 'public' SDK's and whatnot. Some of them are no doubt legitimate but it is unfortunate that all of the hosting platforms have been very quick to pull projects and very slow to reinstate (the recent Qualcomm silliness springs to mind with many other examples).

Considering you lose not just GIT but tracker items and such if the project is pulled/suspended it represents a bit of a risk to the project.

With that in mind it sort of ruled out the 1st choice of GitHub (we use it a lot for the OP stuff, both public and private) and left self-hosting as an option (with mirrors to whatever service took peoples fancy, so could still mirror GIT's to GitHub etc.).

That is what we do with GTA04. We have our own git repo (with git: and http: and GitWeb access). And some people have push access through ssh (which is all controlled through Indefero user management).

And a cron controlled mirror script to send it to GitHub. So we use GitHub just as a high-bandwidth fallback cache. And to be more "visible" on the net...

So you get both benefits of your own server and GigHub with high bandwidth and reliability.

It should be simple to add that to the existing

I have used Allura a little in the past and it does the job, Gitorious' self-hosted platform would also be ok but both of them really like a dedicated box/VM to run on so that is something we may wish to consider.

At least if we host all the project parts on a server owned by the project it is harder to cause any heavy handed damage and we have a closer tie between the open aspects and commercial aspects of the project.



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