Hi there,

I'm not even sure that requiered. Do we want to deliver applications to the user, or packages ? I think we are providing applications. Building them in a bundle is to be more conveniant for everyone.
The web archive could display the all the apps independently and link all these to the same pnd-file. I like this idea as it over represent  gnome/kde games ;D and imho that the best way to manage current one.

But as this dont have any impact on the running side, pnd_run.sh and libpnd are not impacted. So why not :) 

My mains concerns (as the maintener of gnome-games and kde-games) here are that my PXML files are auto generated with genpxml from the information of the desktop files (so if I build an updated version, all I need to do is restart the generator and I'll still have a PXML file with all the versions informations included). These packages information are not to be found anywhere. I guess I'll have to create a package definition file on my side and modify genpxml to use that... 

On the other side, I've always been wanting to split author from the packager, so that might be way to do so.
I dont see the point of an icon here. None of theses packages have an icon. An icon have only a sense while connected to a launcher, nothing to start no icon ;)

So that would look like :
               <title lang="en_US">Wesnoth Mega Bundle</title>
               <packager>EvilDragon, on behalf of Wesnoth team</packager>
               <desc lang="en_US">....whatever</desc>
               <version major="4" minor="5" release="0" build="2"/>

Should we make this mandatory, or optional ?
If that's optional, then the repo (and the client) will have to manage 2 different type of objects : pnd-package and pnd-app differently. Or always guess the package information out of the (first) application in the pnd, so it can manage all the same way.
Made mandatory, obviously, all the current PND are made obsolete, which is bad. In the other end I dont like the idea of having the user to know the difference between a bundle and an app. Nor do I like the idea of the repo guessing the package information from the app information so...

2011/2/27 Jake Aitchison <webmaster@liquidfists.com>
Sorry if I opened up a can of worms,
No, you didnt :) That's just a good discussion to know if/what to change ;) 
