On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 7:21 PM, John Willis <John.Willis@distant-earth.com> wrote:

>I'd suggest my attachment.

I quite like it but a few observations.

The boot logo's should have 'Powered by Ångström' somewhere in it and
ideally the www.openpandora.org URL (that covers us and give the Ångström
guys a nod, something I am quite insistent we do).
There's a lot of other and better places this could be placed. I feel like the version and the experimental discalmer is enough.

Also, a restriction of psplash is that the progress bar is a fixed rectangle
(no rounded corners) and the bar would need to be a separate image (see Ed's
example). That is one of the reasons we have kept it quite simple ;).
So psplash doesn't support overlaying one image on another? Doesn't sound like a particularly hard thing to add.

I see that psplash is in usermode, how long does it take boot to usermode? and how long after usermode is loaded until the loading is done?
Also do you turn off the LCD until there is valid data in it? (one cool thing could be to fade the LCD on using PWM.)

With that in mind I'll keep Ed's startup screen in the .next stuff for now
but don't let this discourage you. The clean and simple aesthetic is rather

