Ninja Gaiden: DEFEATED

Congrats! My friend and I attempted to play through this about 2 years ago but couldn't get past 5-2, I should pick this back up during the holidays.
Congratulations! :D

It's always an achievement when you finally get good enough to beat a challenging game. And by "achievement", I don't mean some pithy little bit of text that tells you you've "achieved" something - I mean an actual achievement. :p
Forget all that nonsense on the XBOX, this is a real achievement. Congratulations!

The first Ninja Gaiden game I beat was part 2 (the NES version). Given my rather forgetful brain, I still remember that day surprisingly well :)
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I have to say the xbox ninja gaiden 1 is rock fucking hard too but worth it as its awesome.I completed it after a long time.Superb game. Pity ninja gaiden 2's worst enemy was the patethic roving camera and other issues.Grrrr. Still Gaiden 3 on 360 looks awesome so fingers crossed. Never did play the nes originals though, not yet anyways.
Maybe I'll have to do a run without continues. I can (now) get to stage six without any problems, but once there, tiny mistake here, tiny mistake there, lose at a boss, and there's a continue.

And of course the biggest tip is: don't stop running, which is pretty much how you have to get through some stages, no time to sit and think.

I've also found that I'm better at other 2d platformers now after pretty much practicing Ninja Gaiden forever. Gotta jump between two falling Goombas in SMB? No problem!