Release Hostile Takeover


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Hostile Takeover, the OpenSourced game know as Warfare Inc.

This version use SDL, and the Multiplayer part is disabled.

Also, all the downloads are not working.

The single player game works with no issue, but you need to use touchscreen (prefered control) or Nubs as mouse or Mouse. Keyboard is ignored for now, except for ESC that quit since build 03.

History log

Build 04

  • Build with latest sources
  • Build with latest dataset
Build 03

  • Escape quit now (but current position is saved)
Build 02

  • Fixed a nasty bug with blit of graphics (thanks to @FBnil & @magic_sam for the save)
Build 01

  • Initial build
Sources are on my github account:
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HAH! Thanks a lot. this is an amazing rts. used to play the heck out of it on my zodiac with my brother. so cool to have on pandora.
Thanks just played a bit on my CC pandora and work like a charm. :)

Only problem: how to exit from the game ?
Hi :)

Thanks ptitSeb for another great game ! This one reminds me of Dune 2 / C&C, and it looks taylored for handheld devices like the Pandora.

Cheers, Magic Sam
Just played a couple of missions, and it works flawless. Touchscreen is very responsive and no slow downs at all. Great port, thx!

I got a segfault after completing mission #4, when clicking on the "OK" box:

./ line 32:  3270 Segmentation fault      ./WarfareIncorporated
Cheers, Magic Sam
I don't know yet. I'll re-play that mission, and if it crashes again you'll be the first to know :) I'll save the game just before completing the level, for debugging purposes.

Cheers, Magic Sam
I don't know yet. I'll re-play that mission, and if it crashes again you'll be the first to know :) I'll save the game just before completing the level, for debugging purposes.

Cheers, Magic Sam
Yes thanks.

By the way (well, not really related), I have pushed the sources on github...
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I got a crash too. Will check where it was.
I've made a savegame, 4 seconds before the dialog, which when continued, it crashes.

I also diff'ed the output in /tmp, the message is different each time:

./ line 32:  3414 Segmentation fault      ./WarfareIncorporated

./ line 32:  1810 Segmentation fault      ./WarfareIncorporated

edit: Confirmed, after a full reboot, and loading the game from the savepoint, it does NOT crash.

When NOT rebooting (and playing the full level first), and reloading from that savepoint after a crash, it crashed again. Thus, save your games often!

Ran with onscreen stats, but could not see anything weird with free RAM.

htsave1_M4# Point of


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I've made a savegame, 4 seconds before the dialog, which when continued, it crashes.

I also diff'ed the output in /tmp, the message is different each time:

./ line 32:  3414 Segmentation fault      ./WarfareIncorporated

./ line 32:  1810 Segmentation fault      ./WarfareIncorporated

edit: Confirmed, after a full reboot, and loading the game from the savepoint, it does NOT crash.

When NOT rebooting (and playing the full level first), and reloading from that savepoint after a crash, it crashed again. Thus, save your games often!

Ran with onscreen stats, but could not see anything weird with free RAM.
Thanks for the save! I can reproduce now. I'll debug that. Looks a bit strange, but it seems related to effect during transitions of screens...
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New build on the repo, thanks to @FBnil & @magic_sam for the save. It was a bug with the bliting code. You will notice (as soon as the 1st intro screen!) some differences now, some pictures were missing before :)

Build 02

  • Fixed a nasty bug with blit of graphics (thanks to @FBnil & @magic_sam for the save)
Wow 19 minutes to find, fix a bug and upload a new version to repo?  Impressive.
Wow 19 minutes to find, fix a bug and upload a new version to repo?  Impressive.
Plus porting another game.... ;)

I don't know if you work as a professional game programmer/developer but if i was a software house would hire you immediately B)