Facebook Linked To One In Five Divorces In US

second exodous

Advanced Member
Sep 27, 2005
Utah, USA
My sister has just gone though a divorce and a lot of the tension in their marriage was because of facebook. Well, SHE doesn't claim that but he does, he was always upset with her posting things about their life on face book causing his family to get peeved about hearing it there instead of over the phone. Then there is the thing where women get together and talk about how their relation ship sucks, times that by a million over facebook.

I personally hate it, it has never caused me to get a divorce but to me it is just a waste of time and a place where people get hurt. I say if you're my friend I'll keep in contact with you, if I'm in contact with you over facebook you're probably not really my friend.

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Copy and paste this into your post in this thread if you don't have a Facebook account.
I understand that, personally I would like to hear it from them first then looking at it on fb, where everybody else could see it before you if your out

of the loop or not log in much. But then, why get mad over facebook when both parties found out about it anyways, seems they're both guilty. I just sort of use facebook to upload the pictures i take, not much else really so i don't really know what is going on with other people. But what is good about facebook, especially if your a teen, my brother uses it all the time to chat with his friends from school. The part about women getting together and discussing relationship problems, well it could be constructive to have third party input but then everybody else will know of your state of relationship when your spouse doesn't know the problem, but also it could be first steps for the women to take the initiative to gather that input to fix it, but if not, then it is worse than facebook because it is offline and personal, then online and digital. I am surprised to see that the rate is that high, though what can i say if i haven't been in a relationship yet >.>
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Oops, forgot to link the article, I'll post it up on post one. It also makes spouses a lot more likely to have affairs also. Thinking back I broke off a few relationships just looking at all the guys the girl I was dating was talking to and how lewd guys are to girls on facebook. I don't know, maybe I have an inferiority complex but I don't like guys telling the girl I'm dating how she's sexy or her breasts look bigger in that photo. Also, my girlfriends talking to X-boyfriends freaks me out, I don't know if they had a sexual relationship or just held hands but if she's talking to them then there is still feelings there.

Yeah, I don't like facebook or any other social media site.

EDIT: Bottom line: these sites have the potential to cause all sorts of relationship problems. I think once you're married it is time to give up facebook and sites like it.
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I think Facebook and similar sites are fine as long as people don't air their dirty laundry on them. Certain things should remain private but this doesn't seem to compute with some people. I saw an example of it just this past week when one of my Facebook friends broke up with his girl and proceeded to endlessly post about it and begged her to take him back and blah blah blah, all right out in the open where everyone on his friends list could read about it. All I could think was how pathetic the whole thing was, I mean have some self respect and keep it between the two of you. This was an extreme example but I also quite often see couples bicker and post mean little comments. I rarely post myself but you could be damn sure that when I do it's about some trivial or humorous event that happened during my day and not my personal affairs.

So, when I read something like this it doesn't surprise me in the least.
on the other hand, how many relationships get broken up cause of alcohol? and i dont see anybody complaining about that, except the people who are married to mary jane, if you cant communicate with your special other, then dont expect the relationship to work out in any way
I don't see the big hooha with facebook. A lot of people seem to be violently against it, but personally I use it all the time and find it a good way to keep in contact with people. I'm not a naturally sociable person, I like to socialise but most of the time I find it a chore so being able to catch up with people or share a joke for a few minutes each day is excellent for me.

On the other hand I do have some "friends" on there that do air their dirty pants for all to see, and I really don't like that. A great deal of people do seem to go fishing for sympathy, or take out their frustration on there for all to see. Also there is a great deal of cack that gets bandied about, such as the banal cut and paste "I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS - COPY THIS TO YOUR STATUS IF YOU LOVE FREEDOM" viral updates.

Anyway, it's really just like going out for a drink; there are places that you don't want to go because they're full of pricks, and sometimes you get to witness an emotional car crash unfold before your eyes, but if you stick to your best chums and relatives you can have a jolly good laugh.
Facebook is good

it just needs to be used properly and responsibly, it makes sharing photos with friend very easy,

Go to the zoo with friends upload pictures once all friends have access to them where-ever they are easily,

I cant see how people can blame something that they opted into. I dont blame alcohol if I go out and get drunk. I dont blame the sun if I go out sun bathing and get burnt,

Facebook is a medium in which to communicate easily quickly and freely and should be used as such.

People who cant be responsible about what they post shouldn't post,

I generally dont post status updates or even photos like alot of people do, I do so in moderation such as "Hey I got a new job", "Hey I am off on holiday tomorrow wont be around for a few weeks" not the usually dribble of, "Peter is tired", "jack had an ace night last night" but each to their own,

Twitter,, now that is a technology I cant get behind.

you would be surprised at the % of people that pass the blame on whatever it is that might be related to their unfortune. Owning up to the fact it was your own dumbass decision that got you in the situation that you are in is unacceptable for some people, I know more people who are like that, than that who are not. I hope it's not a higher intellegence thing, because if that's the case, I'm litteraly surrounded by idiots.

as for me, I have a facebook, I only have about 30 friends on there, and those are my closest friends, it used to be more but if as you said above you spam my inbox with status updates about how everyday is worse than the last but you seem to throw some clever twist on each post several times a day just to get someone to notice you... then you get removed. If you go around liking every freaking website on the internet, agian, removed. You poke me, for any reason at all... I don't care... removed. I'm like a facebook nazi I suppose. I only post things that are significant, I think I was telling people I was having a party the other day on my status and all were welcome, and before that my last post was about my new baby girl about 6 weeks ago when she was born. ya know... important stuff.

twitter is good if you don't mind texting everyone you know about every little thing you have to say. Agian, it's good only if you follow those that have stuff you want to hear about... like the OP people.... or your favorite artist, but I could give a rats ass what my next door neighbor is texting his friends about, ya know?
I think once you're married it is time to give up facebook and sites like it.

Marriage? Eeew, what a quaint outdated institution. Been with the gf for 18 years now, never felt insecure enough to need her commitment written on a piece of paper.

We both use FB, btw. It's excellent for keeping tabs on long-lost friends and distant relatives.

Copy and paste this into your post in this thread if you don't have a Facebook account.

We both use FB, btw. It's excellent for keeping tabs on long-lost friends and distant relatives.


Sure, there's that, and that was probably its original intent, but what about making friends with strangers?
We both use FB, btw. It's excellent for keeping tabs on long-lost friends and distant relatives.


Sure, there's that, and that was probably its original intent, but what about making friends with strangers?
Everyone is a stranger until you meet them/speak to them, nothing wrong with it aslong as you use your head, I have met people from music forums at gigs and kept in contact with them over the years via msn /phone and meet them every now and then. as far as I meeting someone on facebook is no different from talking to people in this forum, yes someone could be fake and a wierdo but the chances are slim the vast majority of people are nice normal folk.

That said I wouldnt suggest anyone meeting anyone of facebook(general forums,irc etc etc) without alot of precations e.g public place, take friend be sure you want to meet them.
on the other hand, how many relationships get broken up cause of alcohol? and i dont see anybody complaining about that, except the people who are married to mary jane, if you cant communicate with your special other, then dont expect the relationship to work out in any way
Actually there is much more information about alcohol breaking up relationships than there is facebook. Nothing is the sole reason for relationship problems, alcohol or facebook.

I didn't know this would strike such a chord, I admit I'm biased as I hate face book. Even when I wasn't dating anyone I didn't like it. I have phone numbers/e-mails of my friends and family and that is all I need to communicate with them. If I want to share pictures I'll start a blog. So yeah I'm biased as I hate facebook and other sites like it.

So take my post with a grain of salt.
We both use FB, btw. It's excellent for keeping tabs on long-lost friends and distant relatives.


Sure, there's that, and that was probably its original intent, but what about making friends with strangers?

Actually, its original intent was for Harvard, and Stanford dating. It was a dating site. I hate facebook. Ive done everything I can to stay off that damn site. Come to find out, somehow Im still on there. People have posted me. I used to be a rave promoter. Fuck Zuckerberg in the neck, with a rusty screwdriver, for facebook. Did I mention I hate facebook? I once thought, meh....what could be worse than myspace?
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Everyone had facebook, so I got an account. Within a day I had 90 friends, some who used to be old co-workers from way back, some family and what not. I realized that all people ever talked about was things like "My baby's poo had a strange shade of orange today", "Time to make dinner, we're making pasta! Yum!" and "I'm feeling a bit sad today". So, for content, FB is quite bad. Just because you CAN say anything, doesn't mean you should. Anyhow, as everyone said, the problem isn't that "Facebook ruined my marriage", since facebook in itself does nothing. You post stuff there, you are responsible.

The real cold shower came a week later when I wanted to delete my account and was told it was impossible. To quote Eagels:

"You can checkout any time you like,

But you can never leave"

So now I use it to give updates about my stomach problems and take daily pictures of a healing scraped knee.
People say stuff on Facebook? I thought it was just a place to gloat about my Robot Unicorn Attack score.