Pandora D on the Pandora?

Blue Protoman

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
I came across this while thinking of Kenta Cho's games. Is it possible to compile any D code for ARMv7 and finally get most of ABA Games' library?
Pretty sure there was already some topic about D.

As far as I can see, there's GDC as a GCC front-end and there's LDC as a LLVM-based solution.

State of GDC:

I think there shouldn't be any problems due to it being just a GCC front-end.

A quick Google seacrch says there are armel packages for Debian and Ubuntu.

State of LDC:

These are for D1 LDC, D2 is working on x86-32 Linux only atm..


  • Supposed to work?
  • A version of LDC compiled to emit ARM and Thumb code, paired with a custom runtime, has been used to successfully compile programs for a Nintendo DS, but nothing very formal or official has been gotten together
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